
Text Practice Mode

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State Title
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public A village fair
India is a land of fairs and festivals. They provide us a lot of fun and amusem

0 votes
330 words
1845 characters
0 0 1398 days ago
Sep 27th, 2020
public Aarav Classes morena CPCT,Ssc,Vyapam,High Court,District Court Typing ANAND…
In the world today, one sees so many things which please one and so many other t

0 votes
354 words
1943 characters
0 5 873 days ago
Mar 6th, 2022
public Aarav Classes morena CPCT,Ssc,Vyapam,High Court,District Court Typing ANAND…
दिल्‍ली को राजधानी बनाने का ऐल

1 votes
493 words
2390 characters
0 15 873 days ago
Mar 6th, 2022
public Aarav Classes morena Ssc,Vyapam,High Court,District Court Typing 8871648109,…
अभियुक्‍त जो कि अलग-अलग शस्‍�

0 votes
416 words
2196 characters
3 0 874 days ago
Mar 5th, 2022
public AC STAR TYPING --Our Civilization (300 words)-- for SHSL exam
Our civilization, as each of us is uncomfortably aware, is passing through a tim

2 votes
300 words
1716 characters
1 59 2078 days ago
Nov 17th, 2018
public AC STAR TYPING --total government -(300 words)-- for SHSL exam
The first and foremost duty of a citizen is loyalty to the country of his birth

0 votes
288 words
1552 characters
1 49 2070 days ago
Nov 25th, 2018
public adfghjhhj
मेधावी और प्रतिभा-सम्‍पनन छात�

0 votes
381 words
2158 characters
0 2 2649 days ago
Apr 25th, 2017
AFR Court No. - 84 Case :- APPLICATION U/S 482 No. - 9961 of 2021 Applican

0 votes
520 words
3213 characters
5 32 993 days ago
Nov 6th, 2021
public ai rồi cũng khác (1)
Anh là tất cả sau tất cả. Em có thể viết thêm 10 cuốn sách b�

2 votes
264 words
1133 characters
2 38 3388 days ago
Apr 17th, 2015
public Aikuisten henkitorven ahtaumien kirurginen hoito (Duodecim-lehti 19/2015)
Henkitorven ahtauman aiheuttamia oireita hoidetaan usein ensin astmana tai keuhk

1 votes
90 words
874 characters
2 27 2729 days ago
Feb 4th, 2017
public Alice in Wonderland: Chapter 1 - Down the Rabbit-Hole (part 10/10)
She ate a little bit, and said anxiously to herself, "Which way? Which way?

1 votes
100 words
513 characters
1 9 1053 days ago
Sep 7th, 2021
public Alice in Wonderland: Chapter 1 - Down the Rabbit-Hole (part 3/10)
Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end? "I wonder how many m

0 votes
254 words
1374 characters
0 2 1056 days ago
Sep 4th, 2021
public Alice in Wonderland: Chapter 1 - Down the Rabbit-Hole (part 4/10)
Down, down, down. There was nothing else to do, so Alice soon began talking agai

1 votes
356 words
1797 characters
0 3 1056 days ago
Sep 4th, 2021
public Alice in Wonderland: Chapter 1 - Down the Rabbit-Hole (part 5/10)
Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table, all made of solid glass; the

1 votes
244 words
1277 characters
1 2 1053 days ago
Sep 7th, 2021
public Alice in Wonderland: Chapter 1 - Down the Rabbit-Hole (part 6/10)
There seemed to be no use in waiting by the little door, so she went back to the

2 votes
214 words
1121 characters
1 8 1053 days ago
Sep 7th, 2021
public Alice in Wonderland: Chapter 1 - Down the Rabbit-Hole (part 7/10)
However, this bottle was not marked "poison," so Alice ventured to tas

1 votes
176 words
948 characters
0 2 1053 days ago
Sep 7th, 2021
public Alice in Wonderland: Chapter 1 - Down the Rabbit-Hole (part 8/10)
After a while, finding that nothing more happened, she decided on going into the

1 votes
213 words
1149 characters
0 2 1053 days ago
Sep 7th, 2021
AFR Court No. - 84 Case :- CRIMINAL REVISION No. - 1981 of 2021 Revisioni

0 votes
501 words
3015 characters
1 18 1020 days ago
Oct 10th, 2021
AFR Court No. - 84 Case :- HABEAS CORPUS WRIT PETITION No. - 671 of 2021

0 votes
502 words
3075 characters
2 0 1009 days ago
Oct 21st, 2021
AFR Court No. - 84 Case :- CRIMINAL REVISION No. - 1629 of 2021 Revisioni

1 votes
501 words
3243 characters
4 26 1021 days ago
Oct 9th, 2021
public Alphanumeric keyboard, 1000 Decimal places of PI
3. 1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 59230781

0 votes
101 words
1132 characters
0 7 2560 days ago
Jul 23rd, 2017
public America (in the 1960s and 1970s)
In the 1960s and 1970s, America was reaching the end of its role as a manufactur

2 votes
123 words
815 characters
3 24 543 days ago
Jan 30th, 2023
public An Old Man
An old man lived in the village. He was one of the most unfortunate people in th

4 votes
181 words
1053 characters
4 56 1547 days ago
May 1st, 2020
public anaku keponakan datuk mu
hidup tidak berbicara mengenai seberapa banyak kesalahanmu dimasalalu tapi tenta

1 votes
50 words
361 characters
0 20 2064 days ago
Dec 1st, 2018
public andare a vivere da soli...quanti soldi ci vogliono?
Ho 26 anni, lavoro in un asilo nido full time e prendo tra i 1000/1200 euro al m

1 votes
337 words
2024 characters
0 53 2630 days ago
May 14th, 2017