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Women Empowerment
created Apr 3rd 2017, 03:58 by AnkurAgrawal1339986
1537 words
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We believe that an empowered woman can change a lot in the society. Unlike other Women Empowerment programs, we believe that Money as an energy is one of the most powerful empowerment tools. We believe in practical steps to create income for women, who are capable and intelligent and willing to work, however due to various reasons are unable to do it today. The reasons could be varied for various women, some women could be deprived of these opportunities because their men don't want them to work, the others may be restricted due to family pressures or peer pressures. It is time to let go of all pressures and work towards becoming empowered with regular income coming your way. It is amazing that from an early age, women start to learn about some of the finest human qualities like compassion, self awareness, sacrifice, service, devotion by observing their own mothers, grandmothers and other women in their lives. If my research is correct, then the four pillars of business which are dedication, consistency, honesty are also attributes of women... For many centuries, the role of woman was to be the nurturing institution for her children, to be the solid foundation for her spouse, and to be the soldier fighting against the world?s sufferings. Then came the times when Women got to the space of equality in the work place, achieving their own dreams, and becoming equal financial contributors within their households. Now I believe it is time for them to lead the way forward this New Year, let focus on Women Empowerment in Business share with as many women as you think you would like to I am taking the pledge this new year to work on a business model that is going to empower 3000 women of India to lead the way in their own special way. The exact boundary between primary and secondary education also varies from country to country and even within them, but is generally around the seventh to the tenth year of schooling. Secondary education occurs mainly during the teenage years. We believe that an empowered woman can change a lot in the society.