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Water treaty
created Mar 6th 2017, 10:04 by KUSHALPRATAP
271 words
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Ganga Flood Control Commission (GFCC), with its headquarters at Patna, was established in 1972. It serves as the Secretariat and executive limb of Ganga Flood Control Board which is headed by Union Minister for Water REsources and its members are the Union Minister for Finance, Railways, Surface Transport and Agriculture or their representatives, Union Minister of State for Water Resources, The Chief Ministers of the the basin States or their representatives and Member, Planning Commission. The Commission is headed by a Chairman who is assisted by two full time Members. Main functions of the Commission include preparation and updating of a comprehensive plan for flood management, techno-economic appraisal of flood management schemes, assessment of adequacy of waterways under road and rail bridges, monitoring and performance evaluation of flood management schemes, and participation in international and national committees set up by the Government of India on Ganga basin States pertaining to the subject of flood management. A memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by the Chief Ministers of Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and National Capital Territory of Delhi on 12 May 1994 regarding allocation of utilizable surface flow of Yamuna up to Okhla among the co-basin States. As per the provision in the MoU, the Upper Yamuna River Board (UYRB) with its headquarters in the National Capital Region was constituted. Upper Yamuna Review Committee (UYRC) was also constituted, for supervising the working of the UYRB to ensure implementation of the MoU regarding allocation of surface flow of Yamuna and to issue directions, as deemed necessary, for proper development. Uttarakhand has also been made Member of UYRB and UYRC subsequently.