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NWPGCL Corporate Office-Typing Practice
created Feb 13th 2017, 07:14 by waliulBariAdnan
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It gives me immense pleasure to note that the Annual Report of North-West Power Generation Company Ltd (NWPGCL) for 2015-2016 is going to be published on the occasion of the 9th Annual General Meeting. This report delineates the managerial, financial and technical status of the running power plants, current development activities and future plan of the Company.
This year the Company completes its 9th year of journey – a journey of making difference. Even amid the general downturn in the economy during the year, the Company continued to enjoy tremendous stakeholders’ confidence.
I would like to express my deep and sincere gratefulness to Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina, Hon’ble Prime Minister of the Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh for her strong, dynamic and prolific leadership to the power sector. I express my thanks to the Hon’ble Adviser to the Prime Minister for Power, Energy & Mineral Resources Dr. Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury, BB and Hon’ble State Minister to Power, Energy & Mineral Resources Mr. Nasrul Hamid, MP for their continuous invaluable advice and guidance for achieving excellence in power sector.
I also express my sincere gratitude and thanks to the Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources, Economic Relations Division, Finance Division, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Law, Justice & Parliamentary Affairs, Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Planning Commission, Bangladesh Power Development Board, Petrobangla, National Board of Revenue, Power Cell, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA), M/S Minconsult of Malaysia, Joint Venture of M/s. TEPSCO & M/s. Fichtner and other relevant stakeholders for their sincere and lawful support to the Company.
I extend my sincere thanks to all the officers and staff of the Company who in addition to their assigned duties and responsibilities have contributed a lot in successful functioning of the Company. The Directors of the Board of the Company deserve the credit for the excellent progress made within this short span of time against all sorts of odds and difficulties.
The Annual Report-2016 is the culmination of the diligent and intellectual works of a few colleagues who have created this package. I wish the 9th Annual General Meeting of North-West Power Generation Company Ltd (NWPGCL) every success. I hope that the Company will continue to fulfill the expectations of all stakeholders and will create new benchmarks of excellence.
The Company is publishing the Annual Report and holding the 9th Annual General Meeting of North-West Power Generation Company Ltd (NWPGCL) for the financial year 2015-2016. The report covers the technical, financial and managerial activities and the relevant significant information of the Company.
I am pleased to share with you the highlights of the Company’s performance during the year 2015-2016. In recent years the Company has expanded its business landscape in power generation. I would like to inform you that it has already been operating two power plants at Sirajganj and Khulna, having capacity of 225 MW each. It has been implementing Bheramara CCPP (360 MW) Development Project. It is expected to be commissioned in January, 2017. In the Sirajganj Generation Hub we are implementing Sirajganj 225 MW CCPP (Dual Fuel - 2nd Unit) Project, Sirajganj 225 MW CCPP (Dual Fuel - 3rd Unit) Project and Sirajganj 400 MW (±10%) Dual Fuel CCPP Project (4th Unit as IPP). Moreover, the Company is implementing Payra 1320 MW Thermal Power Plant Project in joint venture with CMC, China. In the near future, it will implement Khulna 800 MW LNG Based CCPP Project, Payra 1320 MW Thermal Power Plant Project (2nd Phase) in joint venture and Faridpur 100 MW and Sirajganj 7.6 MWp Photovoltaic Solar Power Plant Projects. Besides these, it has a schematic comprehensive future development plan for implementing different power plant projects including renewable of different sizes, capacities and technologies.
I would like to convey my deep, sincere and especial gratitude to the Hon’ble Prime Minister Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina for her positive and dynamic approach to the power sector. I express my thanks to the Hon’ble Adviser to the Prime Minister for Power, Energy & Mineral Resources Dr. Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury, BB and Hon’ble State Minister to Power, Energy & Mineral Resources Mr. Nasrul Hamid, MP for their continuous invaluable suggestion and kind support. I also convey my deep and sincere thanks to the Hon’ble Secretary, Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources Mr. Monowar Islam ndc for his continuous close monitoring and kind support.
I wish to express my deep and sincere gratitude to the Directors of the Board, my colleagues and to all level of employees for their unstinted support, co-operation, loyalty and dedication in making the Company technically and commercially viable. Especially, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to those who have contributed in preparing this Annual Report.
I firmly believe and hope that the Company will achieve excellence in its entire assigned works. I am confident that it will stand upright with efficiency, competency and dignity. Our collective effort will obliterate all the adverse designs.
The Board of Directors is the highest level of authority in the organization structure of NWPGCL. In terms of the Articles of Association of the Company [see Article-78(B)(i)], the strength of the Board shall not be less than 9 (nine) Directors or more than 12 (twelve) Directors. At present the 12 (twelve) members of the Board of Directors are overall responsible for the direction, strategic planning and policy guidelines of the Company. The Board meets periodically to transact matters placed before them that require Board’s approval and direction for execution.
Mr. Monowar Islam is currently the Secretary of Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources, the Government of Bangladesh. He holds the position of Chairman of North-West Power Generation Company Limited as well as Bangladesh-China Power Company (Pvt.) Limited, a Joint Venture Company (JVC) of NWPGCL, Bangladesh and CMC, China. He is the Convener of the Administrative Affairs Committee of the Company.
Mr. Islam did his Graduation with Honors and Masters in Public Administration from the University of Chittagong. He did some certificate courses on Project Planning and Management in Philippines, Economic Policy Management and Private Sector Development in UK, Environmental Management System in Japan and Managing at the Top in Singapore and UK. He also completed National Defense Course (ndc) in 2009.
Mr. Islam joined the Bangladesh Civil Service in 1982 batch in BCS (Administration) Cadre. He has an illustrious career of more than 33 years. He has rich and varied experience in the areas of Field Administration, Policy Formulation, Science and Technology, Environment and Forests, Power Sector and so on.
Mr. Islam is credited with having pioneered several path-breaking power sector innovations in the country. He has been associated with a number of prestigious power sector organizations in the country. He is a regular invitee to top level programs that the Prime Minister’s Office and other key ministries conduct towards creating and reforming polices for the infrastructural growth in the country. Under his close
Engr. Khaled Mahmood, Chairman, BPDB and Director, NWPGCL Board will kindly propose Engr. Jameel A Aleem, Director, NWPGCL & Director (Operation & Mines), Petrobangla, Dhaka for re-election as Director of NWPGCL Board. It will kindly be seconded by Engr. Minhajuddin Ahmed, Member (Company Affairs), BPDB, Dhaka.
Engr. Md. Anawarul Islam, Member (Generation), BPDB, Dhaka will kindly propose Mr. Md. Sadrul Islam, Director, Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce & Industry Rajshahi for re-election as Director of NWPGCL Board. It will kindly be seconded by Engr. Sheikh Md. Alauddin, Member (Distribution), BPDB, Dhaka.
In order to maintain the progress of the current development activities and the continuity of success of the Company, and for the interest of timely implementation of the projects in future, under the provision of Section 110 of the Companies Act 1994, the Company Board adopted the resolution of assent in the 3rd Board Meeting of 2015 to continue Engr. A.M. Khureshedul Alam’s service as the Managing Director of North-West Power Generation Company Limited for further 3 (three) years from 07.05.2015 to 06.05.2018 subject to approval in the 7th Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of NWPGCL to be held on 14.03.2015.
So, under the provision of Section 110 of the Companies Act 1994, the Company may extend the term of office of Engr. A.M. Khurshedul Alam as Managing Director of NWPGCL in its 7th Annual General Meeting as recommended by the Board in its 3rd Board Meeting of 2015 held on 19.02.2015
For this purpose, a proposal shall .
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It gives me immense pleasure to note that the Annual Report of North-West Power Generation Company Ltd (NWPGCL) for 2015-2016 is going to be published on the occasion of the 9th Annual General Meeting. This report delineates the managerial, financial and technical status of the running power plants, current development activities and future plan of the Company.
This year the Company completes its 9th year of journey – a journey of making difference. Even amid the general downturn in the economy during the year, the Company continued to enjoy tremendous stakeholders’ confidence.
I would like to express my deep and sincere gratefulness to Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina, Hon’ble Prime Minister of the Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh for her strong, dynamic and prolific leadership to the power sector. I express my thanks to the Hon’ble Adviser to the Prime Minister for Power, Energy & Mineral Resources Dr. Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury, BB and Hon’ble State Minister to Power, Energy & Mineral Resources Mr. Nasrul Hamid, MP for their continuous invaluable advice and guidance for achieving excellence in power sector.
I also express my sincere gratitude and thanks to the Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources, Economic Relations Division, Finance Division, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Law, Justice & Parliamentary Affairs, Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Planning Commission, Bangladesh Power Development Board, Petrobangla, National Board of Revenue, Power Cell, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA), M/S Minconsult of Malaysia, Joint Venture of M/s. TEPSCO & M/s. Fichtner and other relevant stakeholders for their sincere and lawful support to the Company.
I extend my sincere thanks to all the officers and staff of the Company who in addition to their assigned duties and responsibilities have contributed a lot in successful functioning of the Company. The Directors of the Board of the Company deserve the credit for the excellent progress made within this short span of time against all sorts of odds and difficulties.
The Annual Report-2016 is the culmination of the diligent and intellectual works of a few colleagues who have created this package. I wish the 9th Annual General Meeting of North-West Power Generation Company Ltd (NWPGCL) every success. I hope that the Company will continue to fulfill the expectations of all stakeholders and will create new benchmarks of excellence.
The Company is publishing the Annual Report and holding the 9th Annual General Meeting of North-West Power Generation Company Ltd (NWPGCL) for the financial year 2015-2016. The report covers the technical, financial and managerial activities and the relevant significant information of the Company.
I am pleased to share with you the highlights of the Company’s performance during the year 2015-2016. In recent years the Company has expanded its business landscape in power generation. I would like to inform you that it has already been operating two power plants at Sirajganj and Khulna, having capacity of 225 MW each. It has been implementing Bheramara CCPP (360 MW) Development Project. It is expected to be commissioned in January, 2017. In the Sirajganj Generation Hub we are implementing Sirajganj 225 MW CCPP (Dual Fuel - 2nd Unit) Project, Sirajganj 225 MW CCPP (Dual Fuel - 3rd Unit) Project and Sirajganj 400 MW (±10%) Dual Fuel CCPP Project (4th Unit as IPP). Moreover, the Company is implementing Payra 1320 MW Thermal Power Plant Project in joint venture with CMC, China. In the near future, it will implement Khulna 800 MW LNG Based CCPP Project, Payra 1320 MW Thermal Power Plant Project (2nd Phase) in joint venture and Faridpur 100 MW and Sirajganj 7.6 MWp Photovoltaic Solar Power Plant Projects. Besides these, it has a schematic comprehensive future development plan for implementing different power plant projects including renewable of different sizes, capacities and technologies.
I would like to convey my deep, sincere and especial gratitude to the Hon’ble Prime Minister Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina for her positive and dynamic approach to the power sector. I express my thanks to the Hon’ble Adviser to the Prime Minister for Power, Energy & Mineral Resources Dr. Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury, BB and Hon’ble State Minister to Power, Energy & Mineral Resources Mr. Nasrul Hamid, MP for their continuous invaluable suggestion and kind support. I also convey my deep and sincere thanks to the Hon’ble Secretary, Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources Mr. Monowar Islam ndc for his continuous close monitoring and kind support.
I wish to express my deep and sincere gratitude to the Directors of the Board, my colleagues and to all level of employees for their unstinted support, co-operation, loyalty and dedication in making the Company technically and commercially viable. Especially, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to those who have contributed in preparing this Annual Report.
I firmly believe and hope that the Company will achieve excellence in its entire assigned works. I am confident that it will stand upright with efficiency, competency and dignity. Our collective effort will obliterate all the adverse designs.
The Board of Directors is the highest level of authority in the organization structure of NWPGCL. In terms of the Articles of Association of the Company [see Article-78(B)(i)], the strength of the Board shall not be less than 9 (nine) Directors or more than 12 (twelve) Directors. At present the 12 (twelve) members of the Board of Directors are overall responsible for the direction, strategic planning and policy guidelines of the Company. The Board meets periodically to transact matters placed before them that require Board’s approval and direction for execution.
Mr. Monowar Islam is currently the Secretary of Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources, the Government of Bangladesh. He holds the position of Chairman of North-West Power Generation Company Limited as well as Bangladesh-China Power Company (Pvt.) Limited, a Joint Venture Company (JVC) of NWPGCL, Bangladesh and CMC, China. He is the Convener of the Administrative Affairs Committee of the Company.
Mr. Islam did his Graduation with Honors and Masters in Public Administration from the University of Chittagong. He did some certificate courses on Project Planning and Management in Philippines, Economic Policy Management and Private Sector Development in UK, Environmental Management System in Japan and Managing at the Top in Singapore and UK. He also completed National Defense Course (ndc) in 2009.
Mr. Islam joined the Bangladesh Civil Service in 1982 batch in BCS (Administration) Cadre. He has an illustrious career of more than 33 years. He has rich and varied experience in the areas of Field Administration, Policy Formulation, Science and Technology, Environment and Forests, Power Sector and so on.
Mr. Islam is credited with having pioneered several path-breaking power sector innovations in the country. He has been associated with a number of prestigious power sector organizations in the country. He is a regular invitee to top level programs that the Prime Minister’s Office and other key ministries conduct towards creating and reforming polices for the infrastructural growth in the country. Under his close
Engr. Khaled Mahmood, Chairman, BPDB and Director, NWPGCL Board will kindly propose Engr. Jameel A Aleem, Director, NWPGCL & Director (Operation & Mines), Petrobangla, Dhaka for re-election as Director of NWPGCL Board. It will kindly be seconded by Engr. Minhajuddin Ahmed, Member (Company Affairs), BPDB, Dhaka.
Engr. Md. Anawarul Islam, Member (Generation), BPDB, Dhaka will kindly propose Mr. Md. Sadrul Islam, Director, Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce & Industry Rajshahi for re-election as Director of NWPGCL Board. It will kindly be seconded by Engr. Sheikh Md. Alauddin, Member (Distribution), BPDB, Dhaka.
In order to maintain the progress of the current development activities and the continuity of success of the Company, and for the interest of timely implementation of the projects in future, under the provision of Section 110 of the Companies Act 1994, the Company Board adopted the resolution of assent in the 3rd Board Meeting of 2015 to continue Engr. A.M. Khureshedul Alam’s service as the Managing Director of North-West Power Generation Company Limited for further 3 (three) years from 07.05.2015 to 06.05.2018 subject to approval in the 7th Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of NWPGCL to be held on 14.03.2015.
So, under the provision of Section 110 of the Companies Act 1994, the Company may extend the term of office of Engr. A.M. Khurshedul Alam as Managing Director of NWPGCL in its 7th Annual General Meeting as recommended by the Board in its 3rd Board Meeting of 2015 held on 19.02.2015
For this purpose, a proposal shall .