Text Practice Mode
What irritates me.
created Sep 8th 2014, 00:29 by Nick21
147 words
17 completed
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So I'm looking at all of these texts and I realize one thing, I don't want to do any of them. So I'm going to do something a little bit more fun. I see a lot of misspelled words, incorrect grammar, and horrendous punctuation. My hope is that by the end of this, we'll have covered pretty much every major mistake. Please know when to use "then" and "than". "Then" is used to refer to time, and "than" is used to introduce a comparison. See, we're learning already! The most common mess-up is "there","their", and "they're". "Their" refers to something of someone's possession. "They're" really is just a shortened version for "they are". And "there" is what you use everywhere else! So I'll quit boring you guys, I can only imagine this is painstaking at this point with all the quotations. One... Two... Three... You're done.