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created Monday March 24, 06:00 by lucky shrivatri



549 words
153 completed
Their equipment to the best in class energy efficient rated ones, while more than half are carrying out audits for building energy efficient management systems.  enables sustainability Digital solutions and the Iota can play a big role in enabling companies to improve the sustainability of their operations. Bringing connected equipment, continuous remote monitoring, real time data, and analytics together can give companies the insights they need to make the right decisions at the right time. They can perform self assessments and energy audits to calculate how much energy and money they could save by modernizing their drives and motors. These audits will be helpful for developing the long term strategy for modernization, energy savings and reduction in carbon emissions. As the adoption of digital technology accelerates, new types of services will proliferate to enable companies to make better use of data, which will further enable them to improve the energy efficiency of their operations. Indian industry is taking a gradual stride towards implementing energy saving measures as sustainability is growing to become a necessity rather than a nice to have value in business models. The transition to a carbon neutral future is possible only if  are ready to become true change makers and scale up their investments in energy efficiency. Money management is a skill that should be taught to children from a young age. The values imparted to us by our parents tend to stick on in our minds well into adulthood. Even now, whenever I meet an  from my family or someone else family, my immediate reaction is to touch  feet as a mark of respect a habit no doubt honed by years of my mother whispering such diktats of politeness in my ear Assuming that the lessons learned in childhood stay with you lifelong, I would argue that as a father or mother for that matter, you owe it to your kids to teach them the importance of managing money from a young age. This will hold them in good stead as they go through the various stages of their lives quotient. However as long as you have enough money to be  the stress alleviated by not having to worry about your next month payment or other bills can and will make you feel lighter. In a similar vein, people who choose careers purely based on the remuneration they receive will inevitably reach a point where a  emptiness will take hold which no amount of money can fill. One of the world greatest athletes Rafael Nodal, has stated on more than one occasion that there will always be someone with a bigger house than you, a bigger  than you, a better garden than you. You have to be satisfied with what you have achieved rather than viewing it through someone else lens. This is a very valuable life lesson as it relates to how transient the joy provided by material possessions really is.  old fashioned piggy bank as a primer for real world banking The old adage of saving money for a rainy day is one which I think is supremely important and is something kids should learn in which money given them to my relatives or as gifts were deposited. More importantly, I did not allow them to break their piggy banks but would.

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