
Text Practice Mode


created Mar 5th, 04:23 by rajni shrivatri



550 words
172 completed
The greatest and most successful people in the world have one aspect common which is good manners. Good manners and idiosyncrasies of human beings are the measures with which we should judge if a person is good or not. True success of a person is measured by the manners they possess. One might have billions of dollars in their bank account but if they do not have good manners in life then maybe they are not successful in a real sense. Real success comes from a great personality and a great personality is built on good manners. Some of the manners that should be taught to children to help them in their lives both personal and professional are empathy and helpfulness along with discipline and much more. Empathy is one of the most important manners that every human being should have. In a world where there is so much of violence and hatred spread amongst the people a little bit of emphatic feeling can come a long way to make our society a better place. The ability to stand in the place of someone and perceive things from their point of view is not something everyone can do especially when we have our own problems in life to solve. But what one needs to understand is that there is no person in the world who has no problems in life. Everyone is fighting their own battles and being empathetic to one and another is something that everyone should cultivate within themselves. Qualities of Empathy and helpfulness go hand in hand. Empathy might just be intangible effects on people but being helpful has a measurable tangible effect on our society. In certain cases being empathetic is just not enough. Especially if one is privileged enough to help then they should develop that habit of helping the unprivileged sections of the society. Our society would be a much better place if everyone took care of each other without any strings attached. True helpful nature is that where you help a person without expecting anything in return. Helping is not an investment to expect something in return it should be a selfless act of kindness and love. If people think enough before they say or act then this world would be a far better place to live in. Retrospection is something that many of us lack because of which we say and do things that might hurt others. Wars and bigotry that the world faces today all come from the lack of self conciseness amongst people. One small paragraph on the importance of good manners will not be enough to talk about the importance of this particular good manner for humans. Before doing something wrong if we sit for a while and think about it then maybe half the wrong things that we do will not be done. Not everyone is born with good manners but good manners can be inculcated with everyday practice without fail. Good manners can be taught to children from a young age so that they grow up to become a better human being. Never should good manners be taught to make money or scoregood marks. Developing good manners is much more important than materialistic success. Developing good manners will make our society a better place to live in.

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