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CAREER ACADEMY FOR STENO & TYPING INSTITUTE MORENA MOB- 9907025268, DCA/PGDCA New batch start, group-4 batch start
created Today, 04:22 by 9907025268
170 words
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The Earth is one of the bodies called planets that move round the sun. It takes a little more than 365 days to move once round the sun. This is the annual movement of the earth. It also moves round its axis in 24 hours. It causes days and nights. It is the daily movement of the earth. Men and various animals live on this earth. Plants and trees of various kinds also grow here. The Sun is the bright heavenly body that is found in the day time. It is a bright fixed star that appears to us to rise in the east and to set in the west. It has its own heat and light which we get from it. The sun is the centre of the solar system. The Sun is at a very long distance from the earth. The sun is very useful to us. In the day time, we can get light and heat from it. Without heat and light, Life would have been impossible.