
Text Practice Mode

learn to pronounce

created Wednesday February 26, 11:18 by Ssk1



131 words
11 completed
The cacophony (kuh-KAH-fuh-nee) of the bustling city streets was overwhelming, a stark contrast to the serene (suh-REEN) countryside she had left behind. As she navigated through the labyrinthine (lab-uh-RIN-thyne) alleys, she felt a sense of trepidation (trep-uh-DAY-shun), uncertain of where the twisting paths might lead. The ephemeral (ih-FEM-er-uhl) glow of the streetlights flickered, casting eerie shadows that made her surroundings seem almost phantasmagorical (fan-taz-muh-GOR-ih-kuhl).   
She clutched her coat tighter, feeling an insidious (in-SID-ee-uhs) chill creep into her bones, as though the night itself harbored some malevolent (muh-LEV-uh-lent) force. Despite her unease, she pressed forward with dogged (DAW-gid) determination, unwilling to succumb to fear. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she emerged onto a broad avenue, its lights offering a resplendent (rih-SPLEN-duhnt) glow, filling her with a long-awaited sense of relief.

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