
Text Practice Mode


created Feb 18th, 04:35 by lovelesh shrivatri



547 words
47 completed
Many rules, but we need officers who are competent, assertive and ethical. Mathematics will offer solution which is correct. But ethics will offer solution which is right. Our education system should try to integrate Mathematics with ethics. It should happen at homes, schools and society. Lets wait for a day and date with The horrifying video of two radical  beheading an innocent tailor in  shocked India. This is neither the first nor
the last time it will happen but we need to take threats seriously, as All could have been saved. He reported the threats to the police but apparently it was ignored. The fact is that many people in India supported Sharma as she was made a scapegoat. No one spoke of what led her to quote a correct passage from the Hadith. Mullahs and Malians should  that if they make fun of Hindu Gods, then others will question their belief systems. It pains me to see this terrible tragedy becoming a political slugfest. All parties must realise that Islamic radicalism hurts everyone and every community. There are millions of law abiding Muslims but there are also a few politicians and preachers who want to divide the country. They see India thriving and doing well and this upsets them. They would rather have riots and mayhem. The only way to stop them is to
identify them and shame them on social media, print and TV. Such people want power at any cost even if it means sowing divisions and hate. There are tough solutions that our intelligence networks will have to follow. Warn hate preachers and jail them. Check regularly on what is being taught in Madrassas. If possible
offer good schools instead of Madrassas. Members of the community should ensure that there is no violence after the Friday prayers. Teaching the good parts of any religion is fine but to incite people to riot and throw stones and burn vehicles and buildings cannot be condoned. Why should there be incidents of stone throwing by angry youngsters after the most Holy day of the week, where they ask Allah and Prophet  to give them  I was too polite to counter him with Why did you not go to a Madrassa then? Or to point out to him that had his parents not sent him to the best of schools, he would not have had the opportunities that made him what he is and why would he want millions of kids going in for an education that gave them only a few choices either to be a cleric or a teacher. But since I knew his family personally, I can say I was aghast at his attitude. This is what I think is a mindset problem with some people in high places who are such hypocrites that they actually think that their children deserve better than other peoples kids who they use at every opportunity as useful idiots. These people are very much a part of the Breaking India forces. They are cynical and rich and care little about
uplifting the poor. They will hit out at the leader of their own country who has genuinely distributed welfare, medical, food, banking and housing to all those who need it be they of any religion or caste.  

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