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What are the challenges that the youth is facing today

created Feb 16th, 12:23 by Cynn



200 words
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As such the family and religion now have a minimal impact on the average youngster. The values emphasized today include  individualism, Godlessness, materialism, secularism and  rationalism. It is the youth who are encountering the most serious challenge to his/her faith under the impact of godless culture of modernity.  
Best minds in our society are not socialized by religious  institutions. The emphasis is on competitiveness, academic success, career goals, income and  social mobility Little or no attention is given to preparing tomorrows leadership. There is no emphasis is placed on critical thinking , problem solving.  
We are preparing  followers, imitators conformists, and not leaders, innovators or problem solvers.  
The youth is being asked to give up certain family and social values that were an integral part of their identity, and adopt in its place a sense of self-alienation, and become a self-estranged imitator of everything "modern".
We need to pay close attention to the effects of secularism:  confining the role of religion to the private domain of the individual and  creating a dichotomy between "religious" and "worldly," between "private" and "public." It denies religion and its mediating institutions any public function and influence in shaping matters of public policy.  

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