
Text Practice Mode


created Feb 15th, 08:56 by Sai computer typing



459 words
63 completed
When we set foot on the wrong path, they will warn us, when we are discouraged, then they will encourage us, the summary is that they will help us in every way to lead a good life. In true friendship there is skill and determination like that of a best doctor, patience and tenderness like that of a best mother. Every person should try to make such friendship. A scholar believes that if we get a reliable friend, then our life remains safe. Getting a trusted friend is like getting a valuable treasure. A faithful friend is like a best medicine. Like good medicine makes us disease free. In the same way a true friend frees us from evils.
We should hope that our friend will save us from evils. If we decide to do some good deed, it will help us in it and give us strength, the love which will be in our heart for truth, purity and dignity  Will help strengthen it. If we tend to do bad things, he will stop and warn us. If our mind is filled with despair it will fill it with enthusiasm. He will prove himself to be our true friend in every direction. He will help us in such a way that we can lead a good life, just as a clever doctor detects the disease and cures it, in the same way a skilled friend purifies our character. Just as a mother remains conscious of the welfare of her children and guides them with patience and tenderness, similarly a true friend is also conscious of promoting our interests. Every person should try hard to get such a friend. Also, it is natural to have friendship among the readers. There is turmoil in the mind as soon as we think about the friendship of classmate i.e. friendship of student life. The friendship of youth is different from the friendship of student life. There is firmness, calmness and seriousness in it. Youth friends are different from childhood friends in many respects.
The author is of the view that the person who wants to make friendship, the matter of ideal friend definitely arises in his mind. He wants to make friends according to his imagination. But such a friend does not correspond to the problems of real life. He does not get any help in many troubles of life. A good friend has certain duties. He helps in high and noble works. He encourages and encourages his friend while working. Due to these efforts, his friend does more work than his power and ability. It will be possible to fulfill this duty only when the friend has excellent qualities. He should be one with strong thoughts and faithfulness in truth.

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