Text Practice Mode
created Feb 11th, 05:05 by Sai computer typing
323 words
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Long ago a white bear was caught by a hunter in Russia. He wanted to show it to King Zar. He started towards the palace. There was a forest on the way. It was night while passing through that forest. When he saw a hut, he knocked on her door. A tribal emerged from it. The hunter asked him- Can I stay here?
The tribal agreed but he said- Tonight evil spirits are coming to my house for a celebration. Hearing this, the hunter went to sleep quietly. At midnight the soul arrived. Seeing the bear, they considered her a big cat and started teasing her. The bear got angry and roared loudly. The spirits fled from there in fear. The next year the spirits asked the tribal Is the cat still in your house? Adivasi said Yes, she has given birth to children who are older than her. On hearing this, the soul was so scared that she never came to the tribal home.
A farmer was very upset with crows. The wicked crowds would come and eat his crop every day, the farmer even planted some vizuka in the field to drive them away, but the ravens were so clever that they even screwed up the scarecrow. One day, the farmer spread a net in his field. He spread the grain over the net. The crow fell into the trap. The crows in the trap begged the farmer for mercy, but the farmer said, I will not leave you alive.
Suddenly the farmer heard a painful voice. He carefully looked into the trap. He saw that a pigeon with crows also said to the Faisa farmer pigeon, What were you doing with these evil crows?
Now you too will lose your life because of your bad company. And then the farmer fed those crows and pigeons to his hunting dogs. Someone has told the truth, bad company is always harmful.
The tribal agreed but he said- Tonight evil spirits are coming to my house for a celebration. Hearing this, the hunter went to sleep quietly. At midnight the soul arrived. Seeing the bear, they considered her a big cat and started teasing her. The bear got angry and roared loudly. The spirits fled from there in fear. The next year the spirits asked the tribal Is the cat still in your house? Adivasi said Yes, she has given birth to children who are older than her. On hearing this, the soul was so scared that she never came to the tribal home.
A farmer was very upset with crows. The wicked crowds would come and eat his crop every day, the farmer even planted some vizuka in the field to drive them away, but the ravens were so clever that they even screwed up the scarecrow. One day, the farmer spread a net in his field. He spread the grain over the net. The crow fell into the trap. The crows in the trap begged the farmer for mercy, but the farmer said, I will not leave you alive.
Suddenly the farmer heard a painful voice. He carefully looked into the trap. He saw that a pigeon with crows also said to the Faisa farmer pigeon, What were you doing with these evil crows?
Now you too will lose your life because of your bad company. And then the farmer fed those crows and pigeons to his hunting dogs. Someone has told the truth, bad company is always harmful.