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created Feb 3rd, 05:09 by rajni shrivatri
545 words
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For into one jurisdiction is yet to become a procedural commonplace. Nupur Sharma is just the latest to experience this. In a much more widespread malaise, the elemental concept of bail not jail has yet to be internalised by the
judicial labyrinth. On the transparency front, judicial appointments themselves present the most glaring gaps. In a strongly worded minority opinion when struck down the Justice had written that transparency is an aspect of rationality and the need for transparency is more in the case of appointment process. The judgment too had underlined the need to enhance the collegiums transparency. And yet, great opacity still persists in appointments, as also in case listing. Constitutional matters like challenges to the nullification of
delayed before multi judge benches, with poor explanation. These are challenges that are very much within the domain to address. It can
do a far better job of keeping faith with the Constitution, plus the citizens and their civil liberties. Bricks summit was bookended by some excitement over the possibility of the group expanding by accepting new members and that Argentina and Iran had applied for membership. What this obscures, is the fact that amid the evolving geopolitical situation, the Bricks mechanism appears to be undergoing an identity crisis. There is a deepening contradiction at the heart of Buying it for a cousin or neighbour. When a hetero couple is having fun, only one of them can miss a period. The Dent be hyper. Women who stare anxiously at calendars with fingers crossed could be wishing for or against.
Some women want kids, have them. Some women have kids, dont want them. Some women have them. New moms and babies face each other warily. Some moms baby talk to the baby even when the baby is a badly in Some moms hand baby to nanny and are pleasantly surprised when baby grins one day and there Babies themselves roll their eyes when you bring in a second bundle of joy, your back up baby in case first is misplaced. Firstborn wants it returned pronto and loses all composure when told
but you wanted a sibling. Brought up on films where babies are born after two shake a lot, Indian kids routinely suffer heart attacks in biology class. They go back home, look at their parents and shake their heads, Nah, not them! Pills, pull out, prayers no method is foolproof, so, oops, here we are. Not all of us were planned; ova just cant be trusted around a sperm. As condom companies are
routinely burnt to the ground or sued for school fees, celibacy cannot be highly enough if populating the planet is not on your to do list.
While we pester the newlywed for good news, a quick first pregnancy always backward counting; the baby better look preemie. When married women ask about birth control, they are told to wait, what if they want more kids, When unmarried women do, they are asking for a friend. Life is a divine creative force. We are not dependent solely on instinctual drives but also possess virtues of awareness, reasoning, common sense, reflection, will, logic, morality and discerning real and unreal. These virtues bestow immense freedom of making choices. We are not separate from other creature
judicial labyrinth. On the transparency front, judicial appointments themselves present the most glaring gaps. In a strongly worded minority opinion when struck down the Justice had written that transparency is an aspect of rationality and the need for transparency is more in the case of appointment process. The judgment too had underlined the need to enhance the collegiums transparency. And yet, great opacity still persists in appointments, as also in case listing. Constitutional matters like challenges to the nullification of
delayed before multi judge benches, with poor explanation. These are challenges that are very much within the domain to address. It can
do a far better job of keeping faith with the Constitution, plus the citizens and their civil liberties. Bricks summit was bookended by some excitement over the possibility of the group expanding by accepting new members and that Argentina and Iran had applied for membership. What this obscures, is the fact that amid the evolving geopolitical situation, the Bricks mechanism appears to be undergoing an identity crisis. There is a deepening contradiction at the heart of Buying it for a cousin or neighbour. When a hetero couple is having fun, only one of them can miss a period. The Dent be hyper. Women who stare anxiously at calendars with fingers crossed could be wishing for or against.
Some women want kids, have them. Some women have kids, dont want them. Some women have them. New moms and babies face each other warily. Some moms baby talk to the baby even when the baby is a badly in Some moms hand baby to nanny and are pleasantly surprised when baby grins one day and there Babies themselves roll their eyes when you bring in a second bundle of joy, your back up baby in case first is misplaced. Firstborn wants it returned pronto and loses all composure when told
but you wanted a sibling. Brought up on films where babies are born after two shake a lot, Indian kids routinely suffer heart attacks in biology class. They go back home, look at their parents and shake their heads, Nah, not them! Pills, pull out, prayers no method is foolproof, so, oops, here we are. Not all of us were planned; ova just cant be trusted around a sperm. As condom companies are
routinely burnt to the ground or sued for school fees, celibacy cannot be highly enough if populating the planet is not on your to do list.
While we pester the newlywed for good news, a quick first pregnancy always backward counting; the baby better look preemie. When married women ask about birth control, they are told to wait, what if they want more kids, When unmarried women do, they are asking for a friend. Life is a divine creative force. We are not dependent solely on instinctual drives but also possess virtues of awareness, reasoning, common sense, reflection, will, logic, morality and discerning real and unreal. These virtues bestow immense freedom of making choices. We are not separate from other creature