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Toefl_Academic Discussion
created Jan 30th, 10:32 by geetfle
142 words
88 completed
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In my opinion, many environmental problems come from process-based farming and food production related industry, which means that lot of pollutants is related to unsustainable land management and mass usage of pesticides. For instance, due to rapid growth of population our agriculture industry must produce high number of agricultural products which are usually exceeding capacity of the soil nutrition balance and depleting it. Therefore, most farmers are using different kind of chemicals to boost plant growth and as well as reduce impact of parasites, hence increase harvest. These above-mentioned heavy metals are not poisoning harmful insects, plants and soil but also are storing inside a cell of corn, soy, meat etc. which later are used by the humans in their food chain. Hence, I strongly believe that we should be focused on improving our farming industry be implementing innovative approaches which excludes heavy metal involvement in the production line.