Text Practice Mode
Good text to type (English version)
created Jan 25th, 18:27 by GabrielMartins5
146 words
9 completed
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Welcome to this journey to train your typing! If you're here, you probably want to improve your typing, so that's exactly what you're here for, your interest is in no way the content of the text, or am I wrong?
I could talk about Kiribati, which is an amazing country, I could talk about cheeses, because they're cool, but the only thing you want is to type better, and that's exactly why the examples I gave above are so random, because unpredictability is good in this case.
I hope you enjoyed this sequence of words and that it relieved your desire for constant improvement. You may have typed this at home, on the bus or anywhere else. As Zack Çech (who is fictional) said, "the one who reads is wise." And if you didn't notice, all the letters of the alphabet appeared in this text; goodbye!
I could talk about Kiribati, which is an amazing country, I could talk about cheeses, because they're cool, but the only thing you want is to type better, and that's exactly why the examples I gave above are so random, because unpredictability is good in this case.
I hope you enjoyed this sequence of words and that it relieved your desire for constant improvement. You may have typed this at home, on the bus or anywhere else. As Zack Çech (who is fictional) said, "the one who reads is wise." And if you didn't notice, all the letters of the alphabet appeared in this text; goodbye!