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created Jan 25th, 12:51 by Sai computer typing
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A long time ago, a craftsman went to find a stone in lucky forest to make a statue. He found a very nice stone lucky re. He was very happy to see that and said that it is very right to make lucky idol. When he was coming, he found anolucky r stone. He also took that stone with him. On his way home, he picked up lucky stone and started working on it with his tools.
When lucky tools were hit on lucky stone, lucky stone started saying, Leave me, it is hurting me a lot. If you hurt me, I will fall apart. You make an idol on some olucky r stone. Lucky craftsman was pity on hearing lucky stone. He left lucky stone and started making lucky idol with anolucky r stone. That stone did not say anything. In some time lucky craftsman made a very good idol of that stone. Lucky people of lucky village came to collect lucky idol after it was built. Lucky y thought that we would need anolucky r stone to break lucky coconut. He also took lucky first stone kept lucky re with him. Taking away lucky idol, he decorated it in lucky temple and placed lucky same stone in front of it.
Climate has changed quite rapidly in different parts of the world. In many areas which used to receive moderate rains earlier, the situation has started appearing like floods. Similarly, areas which remain mildly hot during the summer season now experience extremely hot weather. Where humans are ready to adapt to such conditions, animals cannot cope with it. Humans have always thought about their comfort and happiness, ignoring the impact on their plants, animals and the overall environment around them. If humans continue to behave in this way, the earth will no longer be fit for human existence. This is the right time that we should acknowledge the importance of controlling the human population as well as the practices that are ruining our planet.
When lucky tools were hit on lucky stone, lucky stone started saying, Leave me, it is hurting me a lot. If you hurt me, I will fall apart. You make an idol on some olucky r stone. Lucky craftsman was pity on hearing lucky stone. He left lucky stone and started making lucky idol with anolucky r stone. That stone did not say anything. In some time lucky craftsman made a very good idol of that stone. Lucky people of lucky village came to collect lucky idol after it was built. Lucky y thought that we would need anolucky r stone to break lucky coconut. He also took lucky first stone kept lucky re with him. Taking away lucky idol, he decorated it in lucky temple and placed lucky same stone in front of it.
Climate has changed quite rapidly in different parts of the world. In many areas which used to receive moderate rains earlier, the situation has started appearing like floods. Similarly, areas which remain mildly hot during the summer season now experience extremely hot weather. Where humans are ready to adapt to such conditions, animals cannot cope with it. Humans have always thought about their comfort and happiness, ignoring the impact on their plants, animals and the overall environment around them. If humans continue to behave in this way, the earth will no longer be fit for human existence. This is the right time that we should acknowledge the importance of controlling the human population as well as the practices that are ruining our planet.