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Legal matter for Court and Steno
created Jan 22nd, 09:15 by Seema Bana
379 words
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Sir, I rise to make a statement on the recent visit of the Foreign Secretary to the USA and other related issues which have been raised during Zero Hour in the past few days.
The Foreign Secretary visited Washington, March 9-11 for talks on matters of mutual interest. Indo-US consultations at the Foreign Secretary level are a regular feature in our bilateral relations and generally cover the whole gamut of Indo-US ties. Hon. Members have in the past few days raised a number of pertinent issues relating to Indo-US relations. I would now like to address some of them specifically.
Hon. Members made a reference to the so called Pentagon Paper, extracts of which appeared in the US Press on March 8 1992. The paper is actually a draft which outlines USA's perceptions and strategies in relation to the entire world. The report is not a specific position paper on India or Pakistan.
The foreign Secretory was instructed to immediately take up the negative reference to India. In his meetings with the Deputy Secretary and the Under Secretary of the Defence. The Foreign Secretary conveyed our serious concern on the above. He was informed that this document was draft paper prepared by middle level Pentagon officials and would be subject to review and modification. India's concerns have been noted by the US and modifications would be made to take them into account. The Foreign Secretary was categorically told that there was no perception at the US policy making levels which reflected the negative reference to India contained in a Pentagon paper. Officials of both the State Department and the National Security Council with whom the Foreign Secretary raised India's concern, informed him that the paper does not reflect the position of the US on various issues dealt with and it is subject to further review. On the reported Pentagon advocacy for a continued substantial us military relationship with Pakistan the Foreign Secretary strongly conveyed our views that the United States and Pakistan, this would naturally have consequences in terms of Indian assessments and policy orientation.
I would now like to take up the issue of India's position regarding the Non Proliferation Treaty. There have been some misleading reports that have appeared in the Press that India would sign NPT.
The Foreign Secretary visited Washington, March 9-11 for talks on matters of mutual interest. Indo-US consultations at the Foreign Secretary level are a regular feature in our bilateral relations and generally cover the whole gamut of Indo-US ties. Hon. Members have in the past few days raised a number of pertinent issues relating to Indo-US relations. I would now like to address some of them specifically.
Hon. Members made a reference to the so called Pentagon Paper, extracts of which appeared in the US Press on March 8 1992. The paper is actually a draft which outlines USA's perceptions and strategies in relation to the entire world. The report is not a specific position paper on India or Pakistan.
The foreign Secretory was instructed to immediately take up the negative reference to India. In his meetings with the Deputy Secretary and the Under Secretary of the Defence. The Foreign Secretary conveyed our serious concern on the above. He was informed that this document was draft paper prepared by middle level Pentagon officials and would be subject to review and modification. India's concerns have been noted by the US and modifications would be made to take them into account. The Foreign Secretary was categorically told that there was no perception at the US policy making levels which reflected the negative reference to India contained in a Pentagon paper. Officials of both the State Department and the National Security Council with whom the Foreign Secretary raised India's concern, informed him that the paper does not reflect the position of the US on various issues dealt with and it is subject to further review. On the reported Pentagon advocacy for a continued substantial us military relationship with Pakistan the Foreign Secretary strongly conveyed our views that the United States and Pakistan, this would naturally have consequences in terms of Indian assessments and policy orientation.
I would now like to take up the issue of India's position regarding the Non Proliferation Treaty. There have been some misleading reports that have appeared in the Press that India would sign NPT.