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CPCT typing test by (Jethalal) Morena (M.P)

created Jan 20th, 14:33 by Dewang Upadhyay



620 words
26 completed
Recycling includes the procedure of collecting waste materials and breaking them down into building blocks that can be turned into new products. There are mainly five kinds of waste materials. These include paper, steel, glass, aluminium and plastic. All these are recycled using different methods. Here is how different things are recycled and made to be used again. Paper waste contains paper sheets, newspapers, cardboards and other printed papers used in offices and educational institutes. Paper is made of two components, namely wood and water. So through recycling, the paper is first broken down into these component pats to reform it. The contamination like ink and dirt is filtered out. Paper is compiled and is given a hot water bath, which breaks the paper down into tiny strands of cellulose fiber. Further, it is forced into a screen where remaining dirt is taken out. Then it is sent for another bath, which contains air bubbles and soap like chemical to separate the paper from the ink. Air bubbles carry the ink up to the surface and pulp which sinks to the bottom can be formed into new paper products steel. Steel can be recycled over and over again without losing any of its properties. With the help of the liquid floating system, high air-pressure system, steel is separated from other metal and then it is cut down further by Hydraulic machinery by exerting enormous pressure. Steel is then melted down and shaped into new items like cans, utensils, car parts and paper clips glass. Glass is shattered and broken down into tiny pieces. These glass pieces are sorted into clear, brown and green colour. Differentiating colours is important as it is permanent. Glass is made of silica, which is melted down and molded into new shapes and products. Plastic is made of one of six different types of chemicals. Each plastic has a different molecular structure, which determines the physical properties of he plastic. This implies that some types of plastic items are easier to recycle than the others. Plastic is made of large carbon chains. So, some of the forms of plastic can be melted down and reformed, while others can be mixed with new plastic and yet others can only be molded into other shapes for different uses Aluminium. It is shredded, washed and turned into chips, which are melted in a large furnace and then poured into molds. Then they are shipped to manufactures, where they are melted again and rolled into thin sheets that can be cut, bent and shaped into new products. In simple words, it can be said that almost anything can be recycled and the waste can be given a new shape for re-usage.
Congratulations on your new job. You have put in the hard work it takes to get to this point and that deserves a celebration. But there is a lot of uncertainty that comes with a new job. You will encounter new people, a new environment and a new set of responsibilities. To set you up for success, here are some tips to guide you through the first week of your job. Introduce yourself. Studies have shown that anxiety in new situations can come in part from not feeling confident in how to introduce our selves. It is a natural feeling that when you are new, you do not necessarily want to call attention to yourself. But in the first days of a new job, you want your enthusiasm to shine through. So, find the timing that feels right and give a quick, energetic introduction to the people you do not know yet, if meeting new people is particularly important to your, you can enlist the help of others.     

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