
Text Practice Mode


created Jan 13th, 04:21 by Sai computer typing



421 words
23 completed
Professional sport as a complex structure is an ambivalent and paradoxical culture phenomenon which has been studied in manyresearches. This phenomenon has relation with action oriented disciplines such as science and education. On the other hand it isvitally connected to the audience and commercial viability and image status. A professional sporting career is a long time activitydirected on fulfilling high achievement goals in a sport and consistent bettering of the achievement for the proper materialcompensation. This type of activity is fairly complex as it is practiced on the extreme field of competition. The task of masteringthis activity is a long term task of acquiring proper skills and conditions. Certainly not everybody sees sports as some sort ofactivity worthy of fulltime attention. Sure enough for most people it is just a type of hobby or a recreational activity and not aprofitable one. Nevertheless professional athletes of the high competition level are doing quite well in terms of their profit. On theother hand it has to be mentioned that a person who chooses this type of activity as a highly profitable one almost inevitablyencounters a disappointment. You have to have a serious physical potential and the passion for the job to be on the right way assuccess here is strictly a derivative which comes later when a whole lot of factors combine in a perfect puzzle. Unfortunately suchan unpredictable and unstable character makes this profession very demanding in terms of psychological stress which requiresserious attention. The problem is aggravated by the fact that professional athletes are deeply affected by both positive and negativeevents of their career in a very personal way which demands individual approach however based on the universal studies. Weknow numerous situations when successful athletes suddenly stopped their promising careers and quit the sport due to inability toovercome the stress or deep psychological trauma. The professional sport requires professional approach which is only natural.However young amateurs who have chosen this type of career have to pay the price from the very beginning of their way in thesport. The first significant step is the altering of the usual environment and total devotion to the training process. Sport becomesnot only a hobby but a way of living. Sporting performance acquires not only personal but as well a social importance. Now youhave to make a choice. There is no time for everything your peers are entitled to. Hence the problems with social adaptations. Themost important part of the gifted athlete career is when sporting achievements become the main motivating factor which imposesan appropriate lifestyle.

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