Text Practice Mode
A text about nothing :)
created Jan 11th, 19:05 by EvieBlythe
301 words
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This is a text about nothing. It is just a random text. You're not going to learn anything, and it is probably going to be boring. But I feel like doing something so.....yup. I wonder how many people are going to type this. There are so many interesting texts to type on this site, so you might want to switch. Unless you're a perfectionist. In that case, continue. But it is only going to get worse from here. Haha haha. Hmmmmmm. What shall I say next? I know, I will write a random rhyme. Okay, here it is: There were two large oak trees, with beautiful purple leaves. They were not far from a little pond, that was always dry when the sun dawned. At night there were two little frogs, that sat by the little oak logs. They sang their song with great pride, sitting happily side by side. Okay, I think that was cute. What else could I say? I should probably write something interesting. But I don't want to. I know, how lazy of me. Is this enough or should I keep typing? Well, at least this will probably help you with your accuracy. You don't know what I'm going to type next. I know I'll type a quote my grandfather once told me. " Plan your life like you're going to live forever. Live each day like you're going to die tomorrow." I thought that might be something interesting to put into here. Well, it shouldn't take you long to complete this text, unless you're really slow. Then It might take longer. Well, this is the end. Congrats!!! You have completed the text about nothing. There probably will not be a lot of people willing to complete texting this nonsense. So good for you, I guess.