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created Jan 9th, 05:14 by lovelesh shrivatri
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Discipline is one of the most significant personality traits in the life of an individual. Saints and monks who meditate also first practice the art of discipline. A person who is well disciplined is on track and has orderliness in life. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Hence it is the key to success. Discipline establishes a good basis for being independent and organized in life. Discipline is a very important pillar in the foundation of the life of an individual. It also means following certain acceptable standards of behaviour. A life without discipline is a life full of chaos and confusion. Most noteworthy discipline makes a person into a better human being. Discipline is a trait of paramount importance. Discipline helps an individual in becoming more focused. A person of discipline tends to have a much better view of his activities and goals. Discipline makes a person avoid distractions of various kinds.
A feeling of sincerity and seriousness comes in due to discipline. Consequently high quality focus is the result of discipline. Discipline also brings a lot of respect for an individual from others. A disciplined individual by his very nature would command respect from all people. Bringing discipline in life is a task that requires patience and dedication. Another notable impact of discipline is good health. A disciplined individual has a proper schedule of doing everything. Therefore a disciplined has a fixed time schedule for eating and sleeping and other daily activities. Such an individual is very strict with regard to his diet as well. All of these measures ensure good health and body fitness of the individual. Self control is a praiseworthy benefit of discipline. A person of discipline exercises better restraint and control over his actions.
A disciplined person is very careful with the use of his words when talking with others. Such an individual ensures that his behaviour is decent and appropriate at all times. A disciplined individual will certainly have more time than an undisciplined individual. This is because a person of discipline will not waste time in useless or worthless activities. Furthermore an individual of discipline will not donate excessive time on any one task. By following this approach people would have a lot of free time with them. This free time would certainly not have been possible in case of indiscipline. Time management is a very popular technique of discipline. Time management utilizes time as a regulator and the observer of time as the governor. Time management ensures that the usage of time takes place in an efficient manner. Moreover time management marks each activity within a boundary of time. Each activity and task must begin and end at a specific fixed time. Responsibility based discipline is another technique. This technique equips members of an organization to understand remedies for a problem. Responsibility based discipline involves laying out instructions for modifying future behaviour. Also this takes place by following good respectful role models. In conclusion discipline is a significantly important quality to have in every walk of life. Discipline is certainly the ladder towards success. Life without discipline is just like a house without a roof. It is absolutely essential for successful life. Discipline brings out the best in us. Most noteworthy discipline keeps our body and mind in sync.
A feeling of sincerity and seriousness comes in due to discipline. Consequently high quality focus is the result of discipline. Discipline also brings a lot of respect for an individual from others. A disciplined individual by his very nature would command respect from all people. Bringing discipline in life is a task that requires patience and dedication. Another notable impact of discipline is good health. A disciplined individual has a proper schedule of doing everything. Therefore a disciplined has a fixed time schedule for eating and sleeping and other daily activities. Such an individual is very strict with regard to his diet as well. All of these measures ensure good health and body fitness of the individual. Self control is a praiseworthy benefit of discipline. A person of discipline exercises better restraint and control over his actions.
A disciplined person is very careful with the use of his words when talking with others. Such an individual ensures that his behaviour is decent and appropriate at all times. A disciplined individual will certainly have more time than an undisciplined individual. This is because a person of discipline will not waste time in useless or worthless activities. Furthermore an individual of discipline will not donate excessive time on any one task. By following this approach people would have a lot of free time with them. This free time would certainly not have been possible in case of indiscipline. Time management is a very popular technique of discipline. Time management utilizes time as a regulator and the observer of time as the governor. Time management ensures that the usage of time takes place in an efficient manner. Moreover time management marks each activity within a boundary of time. Each activity and task must begin and end at a specific fixed time. Responsibility based discipline is another technique. This technique equips members of an organization to understand remedies for a problem. Responsibility based discipline involves laying out instructions for modifying future behaviour. Also this takes place by following good respectful role models. In conclusion discipline is a significantly important quality to have in every walk of life. Discipline is certainly the ladder towards success. Life without discipline is just like a house without a roof. It is absolutely essential for successful life. Discipline brings out the best in us. Most noteworthy discipline keeps our body and mind in sync.