
Text Practice Mode


created Jan 8th, 09:13 by Jyotishrivatri



527 words
44 completed
Punctuality necessarily would mean doing things on time. But that does not suffice what punctuality stands for. For instance doingthings on time requires discipline and method. If a person is not disciplined nor has a method of doing things then it might bechallenging for them to be punctual. Punctuality is thus a collection of a lot of habits that make you aware of the necessity of doingthings on time. The world today has a deadline for everything. Without a deadline it is impossible to finish jobs quickly andsmoothly given that most of us usually like to procrastinate and let our work keep piling up. Punctuality not only makes someonedisciplined and methodical but it helps to overcome challenges too. Those people who get the habit of being punctual turn out to dothings quickly and save a lot of time. Having regard for time is also another important thing as far as punctuality is concerned.Having respect time for means respecting your own time as well as the time of others associated with you. Starting right fromgetting up from bed to arriving at school everything that one does in life requires them to respect their own time as well as the timeof the people around. If someone gets up late it is normal that they will be late in doing things that follow up. In that case thisperson has no respect for his own time and neither does he respect the time of their associates. Not being punctual can prove to bevery costly. If a student is not on time they might lose out on things initially and in the end have a truckload of work. If the attitudeof not being punctual continues such students might lose out on more significant opportunities as adults. On the other hand beingpunctual can help a student create an excellent impression. Therefore to be punctual one needs to have respect for time.Punctuality is not something that occurs to someone quickly and naturally especially if that person is not in the habit of beingpunctual. If someone wants to be punctual they need to steer clear of all sorts of complacency that they might be wrapped up with.Punctuality requires a person to be disciplined and regular on all accounts. Following a strict routine and having a good sense ofrespect for time can make anyone as punctual as the Japanese are. The Japanese have earned the title of being the most disciplinedrace in the world and it is all because they are incredibly punctual. Punctuality is an integral part of character of a person. It is avirtue by which people are noted and sometimes highly regarded no matter who they are and what they do. Being punctual meansdoing your work on time. To be punctual one needs to have the habit of doing things regularly on time and not occasionally. That isthe only way one can be punctual. Punctuality does not require anyone to put in any extra effort. There is no exercise involved. Tobe punctual having a routine and discipline is important. If someone follows a strict routine and is extremely disciplined from avery early age then usually that person turns out to be very punctual.

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