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Ali Abdaal - Feel Good Productivity - Introduction - Page 13
created Dec 25th 2024, 14:23 by ZeeshanHaider
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Positive emotions are the fuel that drives the engine of human flourishing.
The theory suggests a whole new way of understanding the role of positive emotions in our lives. They're not just fleeting feelings that come and go without consequence. They're integral to our cognitive functioning, our social relationships and our overall wellbeing. Positive emotions are the fuel that drives the engine of human flourishing.
When I first started learning about broaden-and-build, I caught a glimpse of a different way of thinking about my life. For years, I'd thought that by simply hustling harder I could achieve the things I wanted. If I wanted to be a good doctor, the life ahead of me would be defined by grinding, unrelenting work.
Now, I could see another way. Fredrickson's theory suggests that positive emotions change the way our brains operate. Step one is feeling better. Step two is doing more of what matters to us.
But why? I wondered. The more I read, the more I realized that the explanations are varied - and in some cases remain unclear. But scientists have started to home in on a few answers.
First, feeling good boosts our energy. Most of us have felt an energy that's not strictly physical or biological, one that doesn't just come from sugar or carbohydrates, but from a mix of motivation, focus and inspiration. It's the energy you feel when you're working on a particularly engrossing task, or when you're surrounded by inspiring people. This energy has many different names. It's been labelled as 'emotional', 'spiritual', 'mental' or 'motivational' energy by psychologists; 'zest', 'vitality' or 'energetic arousal' by neuroscientists. But if researchers can't agree on what to name it, they're agreed that it makes us focused, inspired and motivated to pursue our goals.
So what's the source of this mysterious energy? The short answer: feeling good. Positive emotions are bound up with a set of four hormones - endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin - which are often labelled as the 'feel-good hormones'. All of them allow us to accomplish more. Endorphins are often released during physical activity, stress or pain and bring about feelings of happiness and diminished discomfort - and elevated levels usually correlate with increased energy and motivation.
Credit and Disclaimer
This text is from Feel Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal, shared only for typing practice. Please support the author by purchasing the book if you find the content valuable. All rights remain with the author and publisher.
The theory suggests a whole new way of understanding the role of positive emotions in our lives. They're not just fleeting feelings that come and go without consequence. They're integral to our cognitive functioning, our social relationships and our overall wellbeing. Positive emotions are the fuel that drives the engine of human flourishing.
When I first started learning about broaden-and-build, I caught a glimpse of a different way of thinking about my life. For years, I'd thought that by simply hustling harder I could achieve the things I wanted. If I wanted to be a good doctor, the life ahead of me would be defined by grinding, unrelenting work.
Now, I could see another way. Fredrickson's theory suggests that positive emotions change the way our brains operate. Step one is feeling better. Step two is doing more of what matters to us.
But why? I wondered. The more I read, the more I realized that the explanations are varied - and in some cases remain unclear. But scientists have started to home in on a few answers.
First, feeling good boosts our energy. Most of us have felt an energy that's not strictly physical or biological, one that doesn't just come from sugar or carbohydrates, but from a mix of motivation, focus and inspiration. It's the energy you feel when you're working on a particularly engrossing task, or when you're surrounded by inspiring people. This energy has many different names. It's been labelled as 'emotional', 'spiritual', 'mental' or 'motivational' energy by psychologists; 'zest', 'vitality' or 'energetic arousal' by neuroscientists. But if researchers can't agree on what to name it, they're agreed that it makes us focused, inspired and motivated to pursue our goals.
So what's the source of this mysterious energy? The short answer: feeling good. Positive emotions are bound up with a set of four hormones - endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin - which are often labelled as the 'feel-good hormones'. All of them allow us to accomplish more. Endorphins are often released during physical activity, stress or pain and bring about feelings of happiness and diminished discomfort - and elevated levels usually correlate with increased energy and motivation.
Credit and Disclaimer
This text is from Feel Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal, shared only for typing practice. Please support the author by purchasing the book if you find the content valuable. All rights remain with the author and publisher.
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