
Text Practice Mode


created Monday December 16, 14:19 by IZAKcode



235 words
300 completed
def return if else elif for while break continue pass import from as with try except finally raise class init self lambda del global nonlocal assert yield print input len range list dict set tuple str int float bool None True False is not in and or zip enumerate map filter reduce sorted reversed open read write close append extend pop remove insert split join replace format lower upper strip startswith endswith find index count abs sum max min any all round pow divmod isinstance type dir vars help id eval exec compile getattr setattr hasattr delattr super staticmethod classmethod property iter next zipfile os sys math random datetime time re json csv sqlite3 requests threading multiprocessing def return if else elif for while break continue pass import from as with try except finally raise class init self lambda del global nonlocal assert yield print input len range list dict set tuple str int float bool None True False is not in and or zip enumerate map filter reduce sorted reversed open read write close append extend pop remove insert split join replace format lower upper strip startswith endswith find index count abs sum max min any all round pow divmod isinstance type dir vars help id eval exec compile getattr setattr hasattr delattr super staticmethod classmethod property iter next zipfile os sys math random datetime time re json csv sqlite3 requests threading multiprocessing

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