
Text Practice Mode


created Nov 28th, 04:36 by rajni shrivatri



370 words
48 completed
Before the sixth century the teachings of religion and Vedas were forgotten in India. There was chaos everywhere. Insidious priests made religion a trade. In the name of religion, people followed in the footsteps of cruel priests, performing futile rituals. They killed innocent dumb animals and performed various sacrifices. At that time, the country needed only a reformer like Buddha. At a time when there was cruelty, decadence, and unrighteousness everywhere, the reformer Buddha was born no less than an avatar to save people and propagate the message of equality, unity and cosmic love everywhere.
He was a very sensitive young man who had a lot of interest in the welfare work of others. His father tried his best to keep him entangled in the splendid life of the palace. He did not want the young Siddharth to go out and see the misery of the world. But history tells us that young Siddhartha went out on three occasions with his charioteer, Channa and saw the harsh truth of life.
Siddhartha was seen as an old man, a sick man, and a corpse. He wanted to do a lot to liberate humanity from all such sufferings. He focused on this problem for a long time. Finally hearing a few words from the mouth of a preacher, who encouraged him to abandon the world, he decided to leave the palace and go into the forest to meditate. One day he left his beloved wife Yashodhara and son Rahul asleep at midnight. At that time he was only 29 years old.
Gautama wanted to attain truth and supreme knowledge. He went to the forest with his five students. But he did not find peace. Even he tortured his body to find peace. But it was also meaningless. On the other hand they had become very weak and unwell, which took 3 months to recover. He did not stop his search for truth and knowledge. One day he sat under the Bodhi tree to meditate. He meditated there. This was the moment when he got enlightenment. He understood the essence of life and death. Now he decided to share this knowledge with the world. Now he came to be known as Buddha.

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