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Kju14 Some people think that the government should strictly control the supply of fresh water, as it is a limited resource, while others believe it should not be regulated. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

created Jul 22nd, 10:15 by Kju Si



260 words
36 completed
The management of fresh water is a contentious issue, with some advocating for strict government control while others oppose regulation. In my opinion, governmental oversight is essential, albeit with an awareness of potential risks.
Opponents of government regulation argue that bureaucratic inefficiency and corruption can undermine effective water management. Governmental bodies are often slow-moving and wasteful, failing to deliver timely solutions to critical problems. For instance, prolonged legal battles over the cleanup of polluted reservoirs in democratic countries demonstrate how bureaucratic delays can render government efforts ineffective, sometimes leading to irreversible damage for residents. Additionally, corruption is a legitimate concern. Both elected and unelected officials may succumb to bribery, prioritising corporate interests over the welfare of ordinary citizens.
Conversely, proponents of government control assert that it is the most reliable means of ensuring public safety. In many arid regions, such as those in Sub-Saharan Africa, access to fresh water is a severe challenge, often fuelling political instability. A fair and just government could theoretically ensure equitable distribution of water resources, mitigating conflict and supporting stability. Furthermore, water safety is a critical issue that requires stringent oversight. Industrial activities, including rainwater pollution, landfill seepage, and fracking, pose significant contamination risks. Government regulation, executed with impartiality, can protect the public from the detrimental impacts of corporate negligence.
In conclusion, while the potential for government mismanagement and corruption exists, the benefits of regulating fresh water supplies outweigh the risks. Effective governmental oversight, coupled with vigilant supervision of water authorities, is crucial for safeguarding public health and ensuring equitable access to this vital resource.

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