
Text Practice Mode


created Jul 22nd, 02:25 by LittleStenographerOfficial



514 words
14 completed
A majority of us don’t like discipline and have a particular dislike for the word. We don’t want to hear the word “discipline” in our schools, colleges, homes or even offices. That is because we prefer to be free willing and dislike following any rules or regulations. But we must understand that a certain amount of discipline is good for our own benefit. With no discipline at all, in life and conduct, we will be like a misguided missile, with loads of ammunition but no clue about the target. In other words we all have the potential to succeed and do good in life but without discipline we can’t chart out a path to success, finally ending up in failure. Most of the children understand discipline as a set of rules that have been imposed upon by their elders. Many children think that discipline is unnecessary and they should be given a free hand in whatever they want to do. This is because the children don’t realize the intentions with which the elders have drafted those rules. Elders and guardians always have the benefit of children in their mind and so many rules and regulations that they impose are only for the safety and benefit of the children. There are also some simple acts of discipline that you could practice in your daily life. For example you must have heard the phrase early to bed and early to rise, make a man healthy and wise. If you discipline yourself in going to bed early and getting up early the next morning, it will probably have a good outcome on your health and personality. Similarly, washing hands before eating, not talking while eating, always behaving properly are some simple acts that will change your life if only you follow them every day in a disciplined way I know that you already have an idea of discipline,  

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