
Text Practice Mode


created Jul 20th, 05:21 by Sai computer typing



504 words
27 completed
To be just means to be truthful. Justice is the basis of law and social morality. They cannot survive without justice. But justice and morality are not the same thing. For example, you should be liberal and non-violent from the point of view of morality. Justice has nothing to do with these things. The scope of morality is much broader than that of justice. Often the statue of a goddess standing blindfolded is considered a symbol of justice. This goddess has a balanced scale in her hand, her eyes are bandaged because she is considered fair. There should be no discrimination in the matter of justice between the poor, the rich, those born in the upper or lower castes. Thus impartiality is an essential condition of justice. Does this mean that there should be absolutely no discrimination in justice. There is a close relationship between justice and liberty. But if freedom is taken to mean the absence of restrictions, it reinforces injustice rather than justice. Injustice is born out of the absence of all bonds, not justice because justice rules laws, It is nurtured in the presence of the right kind of bonds. In fact, freedom is not the absence of all kinds of bonds, but it is a system of proper bonds. Freedom refers to the existence of such an environment where a person gets a fair opportunity to develop his abilities. Freedom is not unlimited and uncontrolled, but limited and limited. The concept of justice emphasizes on the broadening of liberty and in this view supports reasonable restrictions imposed on the liberty of the individual, on the contrary if the individual is given unlimited freedom, then his freedom may prove fatal to the freedom of other persons. because a person may by arbitrarily endanger the liberty of other persons. The principle of justice does not support such unlimited uncontrolled freedom. threaten the liberty of individuals. The principle of justice does not support such unlimited uncontrolled freedom. can threaten the liberty of individuals. The principle of justice does not support such unlimited uncontrolled freedom. The concept of justice is also closely related to the principle of equality. Equality means that all citizens have equal opportunities for development. The state should provide equal facilities to all its citizens in the field of education, health, medicine etc. All citizens should be considered equal before the law and all citizens should have equal protection of law, justice supports these concepts of equality and these principles of equality in practice are the basis of justice. The mutual relation of liberty and equality and distance from each other determines the position of justice. If liberty and equality are taken as opposites to each other, then liberty cannot establish equality and equality cannot strengthen liberty. But on serious consideration it becomes clear that liberty and equality are not opposites but complementary to each other. Equality means the system of equal opportunities and the abolition of privileges whereas liberty is the system of favorable environment and opportunities for all.

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