
Text Practice Mode

Phil Daru strong

created May 6th 2024, 10:13 by Maywadee



1500 words
17 completed
Alright, here are the corrections:
"All right, what's going on guys? Today, we're going to do a full-body kettlebell routine to improve performance. Let's go over the entire workout first. The first thing that we're going to do is flexibility and mobility to just get ready for the entire work ahead. This is to gain more range of motion, more stability, and overall just the ability to get into positions and be active in those end ranges. You're going to do two sets of every exercise. You're going to do five repetitions on each side. You're going to use a lighter kettlebell. For me, I'm going to use a 35 lb kettlebell.
The first exercise is going to be a kettlebell arm bar. We're working on that upward rotation of the T-spine and working on shoulder stability. You're going to rest 15 seconds, then move on to the next exercise, kettlebell half Turkish get up. Again, working that lateral chain, working stability of the shoulder and core control. Rest 15 seconds, go to the next exercise, that's going to be a 90-90 shin box get up, and you're going to hold the kettlebell in that front rack position. You're going to do five reps each side there. And then you're going to finally go ahead and do a kettlebell halo in a quarter squat position, five reps each side. After you're done with all four exercises, rest 45 seconds and then repeat it again for two sets.
On to the next one, strength and stability, same concept applies, two sets of six repetitions on each side. You're going to move on to a medium-sized kettlebell, a 55-pounder for me, you can use 60 or whatever you need to get the stimulus. First exercise is going to be a kettlebell windmill, so now we're working still that lateral chain, we're working that rotation and shoulder stability. We're also hitting the glute medius as well, and we're getting a little hamstring involved. That's going to be six repetitions on each side. Move your way over to the next exercise after 30 seconds recovery. Instead of going 15 seconds, you're doing 30 seconds. It's going to be a kettlebell single-arm press. Once you clean it into the front rack position, follow through to your vertical presses all the way up and down in full range of motion. Rest 30 seconds after each arm, then you're going to go into a kettlebell single-leg RDL. Once you get into that RDL in the end range position, you're going to go ahead and roll the kettlebell up, back down, and bring it back up. What you're trying to do is maintain stability, so you're going to work the single-leg motion, you're going to work the hamstring, you're going to stabilize the hips as you go to rotate, you're obviously working the posterior chain, and we're working the lats everything there in a row motion. You're going to do 30-second rest after you do both sides, then you're going to move on to single-arm front rack back step lunge. You're just going to put the kettlebell in the front rack position, and then you're going to step back with the same side leg. So, the kettlebells in the front rack on the right side, I step back with my right leg and then come back up. Six total reps on each leg. Sixty seconds break then redo it again for two total sets.
Moving our way on to the last portion of the workout, which is strength and power, mainly some power endurance too as well because now we're going to do this consecutively. So, it is going to be somewhat of a flow. You're going to do heavy, so I'm using a 70 lb kettlebell. You're going to do two sets of 5 to 10 each side. We got a giant set here, so you're going to go 1A, 1B, 1C. That means you're going to go straight through and then rest 60 seconds to repeat that a second time. The first exercise is going to be a regular Russian swing, making sure that you're getting full hip extension, working the posterior chain. Right from there, you're going to do a swing to a goblet squat. Once you come up, you swing it back through, pop it back up, catch it in the front rack position, and then squat again. This is going to be 10 reps as well. The last exercise for this giant set is going to be a squat swing. Instead of going into hip extension, you're going to go into hip flexion. So, we are working the hamstrings a bit, but we're also working the quads and obviously the upper back. That's going to be 10 total swings. You rest 60 seconds and then do it again.
The next three exercises are going to be, again the same concept, giant set 2A, 2B, 2C. You're going to do a step-back swing, five each side, right into a step-back snatch overhead, five each side, and then a side swing, five each side. Rest 60 seconds, repeat it. The last superset that you're going to do is going to be rotation-based. We're going to go rotation swing with a pivot on the back foot, five each, and then rotation swing row, we're just pulling the elbows back, pushing it out, five each side. Rest 60 seconds, do it again. And then the last thing that we're going to do is two sets of 10 each side of kettlebell pull-throughs with a wall reference, making sure you're maintaining a neutral spine, making sure that your hips aren't shifting from side to side, pulling that kettlebell through the entire way. The goal here is anti-rotation, so we want to maintain stiffness in the trunk and then work dynamically as you go to pull. Really good for Jiu-Jitsu practitioners and combat sport athletes. Let's get into it.
So, first one we got flexibility mobility, we're going to go kettlebell arm bar, then we'll move into the kettle half Turkish get up, 990 shinbox get up, and then kettlebell halos. Let's do it.
To recap, make sure that every set that you do, you're going to run through the entire thing. So, your first set kettlebell arm bar, rest for 15 seconds, move on to the next exercise, kettlebell half Turkish get up, 15 seconds rest, move on to the next, 15 seconds after the kettlebell halos, rest about 45 seconds, and then do another set all the way through.
Now we're moving on to the stability and strength portion. So, the strength and stability portion, right, we got two sets of six reps each side. With this one, we're going to go ahead and do the exercise, rest 30 seconds, move on to the next one, rest 30 seconds, move on to the next one, and then the last exercise after that, you're going to rest 60 seconds and then repeat that for another set. Make sure that you're getting a medium-sized kettlebell for all of these exercises. Let's do it.
All right, so we got the strength power portion
 of the workout now with this one, we're going to go ahead and do it consecutively. We're going to go from a Russian swing right into a swing goblet squat, and then after that, go right into a squat swing. After you're done with all three as a giant set, you're going to rest 60 seconds. So, this is a flow. So, you're going to swing, swing to squat, and then squat swing. That's going to be one total set. We'll rest 60 seconds and then do it again. Then after that, we're going to go into our next giant set, which is going to be step-back swing, step-back snatch, side swing. Rest 60 seconds and then do it again for another set. And then the last one, rotation swing, rotation swing row. Rest 60 seconds and then go again. Notice the reps, you're going to do 10 reps on everyone for this first giant set, the next giant set you're going to do five each side, and then the last superset you're going to do five each side, and then we'll finish with kettlebell pull-throughs after that for 10 each side.
This is a wrap. The entire workout is done. If you're looking to improve not only your flexibility, your stability, your core control, your ability to be strong in different ranges and planes of motion, and also be powerful for a longer duration of time to improve your power endurance, this is an all-encompassing workout that you can do anywhere. All you need is three distinct kettlebells, a light kettlebell, a medium-sized kettlebell, and a heavy kettlebell. If you want to train specifically like this with a kettlebell program, check out Combat Kettlebell, now available. Link in the description to start right away and to get yourself on. I'll see you guys next time. Peace."

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