
Text Practice Mode


created Apr 5th, 06:51 by shilpa ghorke



550 words
12 completed
Deforestation means the felling and clearing of forest cover or tree plantations to accommodate agricultural industrial or urban use. It involves the permanent end of forest cover to make that land available for residential commercial or industrial purposes. Deforestation clearance or clearing is the removal of a forest or stand of trees from land which is then converted to a non forest use. Deforestation can involve conversion of forest land to farms. The most concentrated deforestation occurs in rainforests. Deforestation can also be seen as removal of forests leading to several imbalances both ecologically and environmentally. Deforestation or clearance occurs due to several reasons. To get a clear overview we could include the need for money both in terms of profitability as well as providing for ones family in most scenarios along with lack of forest laws and need for land or housing among a long list of other uses. Deforestation is primarily blamed on agricultural or pastoral use because farmers usually cut trees for increasing space for cultivation and as fodder land for grazing and surviving livestock. The whole concept of slash and burn agriculture is used to indicate this same process where farmers employ the above chain of actions for their purposes. Deforestation also affects the climate in many ways. Forests are the lungs of our planet. Trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen and water vapour in the air and that is why tropical rainforests are extremely humid. Trees also provide shade that keeps the soil moist. All these are compromised with the lack of trees. It leads to the imbalance in the atmospheric temperature which causes drier climate further making conditions for the ecology worse that leads to climate change. Several animals and plant species that form the flora and fauna across the world are vastly accustomed to their natural habitat. Therefore haphazard clearance of forests would make it very difficult for them to survive or to shift from their native environment or adapt to new habitats. When a forest is cut down the humidity levels come down and cause the remaining plants to dry out. The drying out tropical rainforests increases fire damage that destroys forests rapidly and harms wild animals as well as humans. Forests and climate are linked intrinsically. Forest loss and degradation are both a cause and an effect of our changing climate. At the same time deforestation is self perpetuating. Trees play a major role in controlling global warming. The trees utilize greenhouse gases restoring the balance in the atmosphere. With constant deforestation the ratio of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased adding to our global warming woes. Forests help to mitigate carbon dioxide and other toxic greenhouse gas emissions. However once they are burned and cut or otherwise removed they become carbon sources. Trees are also crucial for our local water cycles also as they keep on returning water vapour to the atmosphere. The soil remains moist as the rainwater percolates within the soil. The fertile soil is held in place by intricate root structures of many layers of trees. With the clearance of tree cover the land is directly exposed to the sun making it dry. Without trees erosion often occurs and sweeps the land into nearby rivers and streams. Forests serve as nature water purification plants.

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