
Text Practice Mode


created Apr 3rd, 05:28 by rajni shrivatri



380 words
21 completed
At the beginning of the article on climate change (jalvayu parivartan par lekh), it is necessary to first understand what climate is. The average weather condition over a large land area over a long period of time is called climate. The climate of a region has the greatest impact on its geographical location. In European countries, where the summer season is short and there is severe cold, whereas in India, there is a predominance of hot summer season. Except for 3-4 months of winter, the climate remains warm for the rest of the time. In the coastal areas of India, the temperature of the winter season remains at an average level. Thus the climate of an area depends on its location. The change in the traditional climate of a particular region over time is called climate change. The effects of climate change can be felt in a limited area and can be felt all over the world. At present, the situation of climate change is reaching in a serious direction and its effect is being seen all over the world. The United Nations climate report states that climate change is having a huge impact on all aspects of the environment as well as on the health and well-being of global populations. The report, led by the World Meteorological Organisation, lists the physical signs of climate change such as land and ocean temperatures, sea level rise and melting ice, apart from socio-economic development, human health, migration and displacement, food Safety and impacts on land and ocean ecosystems have been documented.
Due to increasing environmental pollution, the temperature of the earth is increasing continuously. Rising temperature due to environmental pollution has made the situation of climate change more serious. According to the Climate Report, every subsequent decade since the 1980s has been warmer than any decade since 1850. This can also be understood in the statement of Peteri Talas, Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organisation- 2016 was the hottest year ever, but a hotter year may be seen soon. Given that the levels of greenhouse gases continue to rise, the increase in temperature global warming will continue. A recent forecast for the coming decades indicates that a new annual global temperature record is expected within the next five years.

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