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created Mar 28th 2024, 09:38 by akl238
138 words
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As schools are collective assembly places, infectious diseases could
be easily spread amon g people through daily contact.
The centre today issued letters to schools and doctors appealing for
heightened vi gilance and appropriate action.
It noted that to prevent outbreaks of respiratory tract infection
including COVID- 19, it is of prime importance that children with a fever
should not go to school and must consult doctors promptly.
Students and staff with a fever or respiratory illness should refrain
from going to school and seek medical attention immediately.
The centre added that the symptoms of a URTI and other respirat ory
infections including influenza and COVID- 19 could be similar, and it could
be difficult to differentiate them clinically.
Doctors are urged to remain vigilant and arrange respiratory
infection testing for all patients presenting with acute respiratory
be easily spread amon g people through daily contact.
The centre today issued letters to schools and doctors appealing for
heightened vi gilance and appropriate action.
It noted that to prevent outbreaks of respiratory tract infection
including COVID- 19, it is of prime importance that children with a fever
should not go to school and must consult doctors promptly.
Students and staff with a fever or respiratory illness should refrain
from going to school and seek medical attention immediately.
The centre added that the symptoms of a URTI and other respirat ory
infections including influenza and COVID- 19 could be similar, and it could
be difficult to differentiate them clinically.
Doctors are urged to remain vigilant and arrange respiratory
infection testing for all patients presenting with acute respiratory