
Text Practice Mode


created Mar 18th, 13:02 by Sai computer typing



362 words
44 completed
Moon is the nearest satellite to our earth. Through this, a lot of effort is being made to search in space and all the data related to it can also be collected. chandrayaan 2 is meant to promote a new era of discovery. The Chandrayaan mission failed to succeed in expanding our understanding of space, promoting technology advancement, advancing global synergies and inspiring future generations of scientists.
In the night time, when we reflect the light of the Sun, the moonlight scattering on the earth and the moon which causes the tides in the sea, the longing to see and touch the moon has always been in the mind of man. Chandrayaan was launched on 18 September 2008 under the chairmanship of our former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. At that time the Union Cabinet had given approval for this subject. After this, according to the schedule of chandrayaan in  the poled was finalized. The campaign was again postponed in . But in 2016 this campaign was started back. Because the lander was needed in this vehicle, Russia was doing the work of making it, which could not be developed at that time. Later the lander was developed in India with indigenous technology and this mission was carried out independently.  All the countries around the world tried hard to make Chandrayaan. But so far only 4 countries have been able to achieve success. In the same, India made Chandrayaan and Chandrayaan the objectives of both were different.
The main reason for making Chandrayaan was that the soil present in the moon could be found out and along with it the nutrients present in the soil present on the moon's surface which are essential in the growth of plants, all those elements could be studied in detail. To be. Along with this, it can also be found about the surface of the moon, how soft or hard the surface of the moon is. It was also one of its objectives to collect samples of soil and rocks for the study of scientists so that research related to the Moon could be done well and the coming generation could get better knowledge about it.

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