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Aliens,complete Myth or the legends are true..

created Mar 13th, 10:51 by SohibM



245 words
38 completed
Aliens, probably the most talked of the conspiracy theories. Whenever someone hears the word Alien, the first thing that comes to one's mind is that whether they exist or not. And if not, why are we forced to believe into something that doesn't even exist. It all started with the Roswell incident which happened in 1947. When the American Army found some debris that they believed or at least made everyone believe came from space. Since then, a lot of tales and theories flooded the market. Mostly in US until when the internet became a global thing and most people started getting access to it. Aliens tales are hard to believe as there are no verified videos that could claim it has captured aliens in it, most videos we see are of either UFOs or potato quality VFX of Alien life forms. What makes everyone skeptical about the existence of Aliens that about 80 percent of UFO sightings come from US. As one would always think why they only choose US when there are about 200 more other countries around the globe. Not only that, the US govt. and their forces often release news or videos which they claim are of UFO. I have always thought that this whole alien thing is made up by the American govt to keep people busy and entertained to distract them from the main issues like the Romans used to do in the past by sending people to circus.

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