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Nuclear Energy – Introduction :
created Jan 14th 2024, 06:49 by India First
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Nuclear Energy – Introduction :
Nuclear energy in scientific terms defined as the exhaustible energy derived from the nucleus of the atom by the process of nucleus break up through nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission is the process where the nucleus of an atom splits and releases radioactive materials such as Uranium which are used in many ways. Nuclear fission is the process when the two atoms of an element get together and large amount of heat is generated. In this way the nucleus released tremendous energy that is utilized for many purposes both constructive and destructive.
Nuclear Energy - a Boon:
The energy released by the nucleus is used in the production of nuclear reactors which perform variety of functions. The nuclear reactors are used to boil water at a very high temperature to produce steam to activate the turbine that is present in the shaft of a generator to produce power. The nuclear energy is powerful because helps in production of heat and electricity is larger quantities. It is a form of energy that does not directly create air pollution like combustion of coal or release of petroleum products. Nuclear energy is a source of power and may be used in future as a means of substitute because it is free from pollution. There are many advantageous of nuclear energies which the other form of energies cannot provide. Although it releases energy it does not inject any harmful gases like carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide etc that is hazardous to environment. It does not constitute in the rise of global warming which the other form of energies does. When nuclear energy is being produced many areas of the land is not occupied. Many natural resources are not exploited while producing the power. The energy is released by radiation does not specifically cause any harm to the environment and living creatures on earth. Hence nuclear energy is used to preserve the aquatic life and to make environment more favourable to the wild life. We heavily depend upon petroleum products and fossil fuels for production and commutation. But these products are unfortunately exhaustible and hence nuclear energy is a reliable source because itis inexhaustible. Renewable sources of energy such as Solar, Wind & Tidal energy are not viable because of cost, non-availability, not being steady or not being sufficient. Since the nuclear fission is the most energy for the lease fuel, this will make power very cheap, reduce the expenditure and will eliminate the shortage of mineral resources. Energy is needed in non-electricity form also, especially for Transport, Medical, Agricultural, Steel and other such industries. As our fluid fuels (natural gas & oil) deplete and their import becomes unaffordable, we will need to convert our low-grade coal reserves to fluid fuels and extract low quality petroleum. These processes require generation of steam at high temperature for which nuclear energy appears to be only viable means. Nuclear energy has proved a great boon in the field of medical sciences. Many diseases which were thought to be fatal, are being treated quite successfully. Radio isotopes are used for various medical operations. Radioactive Cobalt is being employed to cure cancer. The recent medical technology that has spurred in the market sterile insect technique consists of nuclear technology. The nuclear energy is used for clinical purposed to diagnose severe illness in a person. The contribution of nuclear energy in the food production and irrigation purpose is tremendous. It is used in the production of insecticides and pesticides to control the harmful organisms from invading the production. Radiation, when directed on seeds and plants increases the crop output. Radiation also used to kill harmful bacteria so that foods, onions etc may be kept fit for human use for a longer duration of time. Gamma rays provided a valuable means to control pests.
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Nuclear Energy – Introduction :
Nuclear energy in scientific terms defined as the exhaustible energy derived from the nucleus of the atom by the process of nucleus break up through nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission is the process where the nucleus of an atom splits and releases radioactive materials such as Uranium which are used in many ways. Nuclear fission is the process when the two atoms of an element get together and large amount of heat is generated. In this way the nucleus released tremendous energy that is utilized for many purposes both constructive and destructive.
Nuclear Energy - a Boon:
The energy released by the nucleus is used in the production of nuclear reactors which perform variety of functions. The nuclear reactors are used to boil water at a very high temperature to produce steam to activate the turbine that is present in the shaft of a generator to produce power. The nuclear energy is powerful because helps in production of heat and electricity is larger quantities. It is a form of energy that does not directly create air pollution like combustion of coal or release of petroleum products. Nuclear energy is a source of power and may be used in future as a means of substitute because it is free from pollution. There are many advantageous of nuclear energies which the other form of energies cannot provide. Although it releases energy it does not inject any harmful gases like carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide etc that is hazardous to environment. It does not constitute in the rise of global warming which the other form of energies does. When nuclear energy is being produced many areas of the land is not occupied. Many natural resources are not exploited while producing the power. The energy is released by radiation does not specifically cause any harm to the environment and living creatures on earth. Hence nuclear energy is used to preserve the aquatic life and to make environment more favourable to the wild life. We heavily depend upon petroleum products and fossil fuels for production and commutation. But these products are unfortunately exhaustible and hence nuclear energy is a reliable source because itis inexhaustible. Renewable sources of energy such as Solar, Wind & Tidal energy are not viable because of cost, non-availability, not being steady or not being sufficient. Since the nuclear fission is the most energy for the lease fuel, this will make power very cheap, reduce the expenditure and will eliminate the shortage of mineral resources. Energy is needed in non-electricity form also, especially for Transport, Medical, Agricultural, Steel and other such industries. As our fluid fuels (natural gas & oil) deplete and their import becomes unaffordable, we will need to convert our low-grade coal reserves to fluid fuels and extract low quality petroleum. These processes require generation of steam at high temperature for which nuclear energy appears to be only viable means. Nuclear energy has proved a great boon in the field of medical sciences. Many diseases which were thought to be fatal, are being treated quite successfully. Radio isotopes are used for various medical operations. Radioactive Cobalt is being employed to cure cancer. The recent medical technology that has spurred in the market sterile insect technique consists of nuclear technology. The nuclear energy is used for clinical purposed to diagnose severe illness in a person. The contribution of nuclear energy in the food production and irrigation purpose is tremendous. It is used in the production of insecticides and pesticides to control the harmful organisms from invading the production. Radiation, when directed on seeds and plants increases the crop output. Radiation also used to kill harmful bacteria so that foods, onions etc may be kept fit for human use for a longer duration of time. Gamma rays provided a valuable means to control pests.