
Text Practice Mode


created Nov 20th 2023, 10:49 by Vikram Thakre



453 words
7 completed
Production of ships is necessary for our defense. Today project is very big. I am glad that so far work is going according to schedule. Time fixed must be followed in all project implementation, as delays increase expenditure and reduce our strength. Every rupee spent must bring back equal return to our people. Our friendship with developed countries is one of the examples of our desire to work more closely with all countries in the world and remove disparities so that all countries can live in peace and happiness. I have great pleasure in inaugurating this project and convey my good wishes to all concerned with this project. I am especially glad to see two of our previous admirals with us here. May all of you succeed in your efforts for the strength and welfare of our great country. Dear Sirs,  We are in receipt of your letter dated the 10th August, 1984 in which you have complained about the delay, on our part, in the supply of packing boxes ordered by you. We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused to you in this regard. But we are rather forced to inform you that owing to a severe fire accident that occurred recently in our factory most of the packing material has been lost in the fire. This is the reason why we could not meet your demand. You will, therefore appreciate that we are not entirely responsible for the delay. Moreover, we will not be in a position to run the machinery at least for another month, as it is likely to take quite some time to get it repaired. We are aware that the is may affect our business relations with our customers. But we hope,  in the circumstances, you will appreciate that the delay caused is beyond our control.  In the meantime, with a view to avoid any further delay, we would like to suggest the use of another type of packing boxes, as a substitute, which we are in a position to supply immediately. If you are agreeable to this requirement at an early date.  While assuring you of our best attention at all times early confirmation is requested. We all know that oceans have played a great part in the past and how they have inspired courage of all kinds. It is said that those who have the shipping have the wealth. The oceans  linked the countries and enabled our goods to go to distant parts and made it possible for the other countries to discover land they had not thought of. The ocean brought traders to our borders. It also brought culture. The ocean is a treasure house of useful resources for food and industry.

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