Text Practice Mode
created Jan 12th 2023, 18:05 by nmehta1422
415 words
37 completed
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The dining table was loaded with goodies-cake, pastries, pies, halwa, laddoo and yes, her favorite cookies. Nina wanted to eat them all. The 10-year-old stuffed a couple of cookies in her mouth but the cookies tested a little different. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't gulp them down. The dream broke at that point. Nina woke up with a start and found herself chewing on a bed sheet. She was in her dormitory bed and it was pitch dark. A grumbling stomach reminded her of how terribly hungry she was. All because of Mr. Katiyaar, the poker-faced warden of the residential school which had been her home for the last one year. He had found Nina talking during dinner time and had punished her by asking her to go hungry to bed. Nothing escaped the eagle-eyed warden. And now this dream which had made her hungrier. Nina paced up and down her dormitory in desperation. She looked enviously at roommates, peacefully asleep with their stomachs full. Suddenly Nina remembered a box of cookies sent by her mother, that was lying in her locker. She had been hiding it from her friends for an emergency. Clearly, this was an emergency. The locker room was at the extreme end of the long corridor, and venturing out in the dark and creepy hallway was nothing short of climbing Mount Everest. Nina took her first trembling step towards the doorway and almost ran back. She remembered a boy from her class bragging about his encounter with a ghost while he was on his way to the toilet at night. But her stomach egged her on. The same hallway in the morning never looked so eerie, thought Nina. Pale with fright, the girl scout walked on and tried not to think about the ghosts and itches that could lurking around in a corner somewhere. At last she reached the locker room. Slowly turning the doorknob, Nina stepped into the dark room, let out a sigh or relief and walked towards her locker. So familiar was she with her locker that she could locate it with her eyes shut. Then a sound almost made her jump with fright. "It's nothing but my imagination," she assured herself. Again something resulted and moved in the room. Someone was there in in the room, and Nina trembled it fear. Probably it was that ghost who frequented the corridor. She decide to grab her box of cookies and run back to her room.