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The prayas India shorthand computer typing classes, Add- Shri Jagdish Plaza Meera Premi nurshing home ke pass old housing board colony morena (Madhya Pradesh) Mob no. 8770183459
created Aug 26th 2022, 04:53 by prayashshorthand classes
105 words
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The first and foremost duty of a citizen is loyalty to the country of his birth or adoptions. Patriotism does not mean ‘My country’ right or wrong. It means that is a national crisis or danger, a citizen must be prepared to do the greatest self-sacrifice for her welfare, even the sacrifice of his own life. The national cry of England is ‘England expents everyone to do his duty’. Truly the blood of the heroes and martyrs is the seed of a nation. One should even be prepared to spill one's blood rather than bring a blot upon the air name of one's country.