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All About Medicine
created Jul 28th 2022, 17:25 by Qasim Faisal
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whether it pads the pharmaceutical companies’ pockets or not.emicals so common in mainstream medicine, thus making them safer. Yet these results are stifled by the medical community, which is not only unethical, but it is potentially dangerous for those battling disease. In some cases, the pharmaceutical owned medical community goes so far as to sue or debase physicians who practice alternative medicine, thereby keeping their clientele safely in their grasp. Lives are being played with and new ideas are b
Plants contain minerals and vitamins that have also been proven to do the same. It may sound like a “miracle cure,” almost too good to be true, and oftentimes, it is. Alternative therapies are safer: fewer, if any, chemicals are involved in them. Radiation, for example, is a mainstream cancer “fighter,” yet it is poisonous, so is it not insanity to treat a weakened patient with it? Whether a treatment is popular with mainstream medicine practitioners or not should not matter. What is best for the patient’s wellbeing should be the deciding factor. And if ingesting inexpensive plants or taking a vial of venom is the answer, then the pharmaceutical companies should not interfere, as more than money is at stake in the battle against disease.
Alternative Medicine have recently became more popular and more dangerous. Alternative Medicine are basically were people with life threatening diseases go to other countries and get treatment. Most countries advertise these medicines because because they are trying find a cure for diseases.Most of the time these medicines are made from people who know nothing about medicine or anything medical. Illegally manufacturers can use clever names to make their product seem safe group like the elderly. When in reality they most likely will kill or give the people life long illnesses. Then returning back to the United States with a illness that could infect others around them . If and when these people get sick they can not be helped because this type of medicine has not been approved by the FDA a.k.a Food and Drug Administration. If the FDA hasn’t approved the product than there is no cure for the illness or abnormal absce FDA requires that the “medicine” is safe for the people using it. As a result, some manufacturers of medicine will add substances. Adding the unknown substances can be very dangerous and unsanitary to the person using the substance/radiation.The FDA has proven that all alternative false . Alternative medicines have became more dangerous every time it is used proven that most of the “doctors” aren’t trained properly and can be very unconscious of the dangers they can cause people. These people are most of the time very ill and can worsen the illnesses.The illness cannot be blamed on the “doctor” because he/she has been to there country and most likely signed some type of form just like you would in the United States.
...r died. Doing these treatments usually gives the person a false sense of hope, they become very open minded and believe that the treatment will work.Alternative and complementary therapies differ importantly, and the distinction between the two is crucial for clinical oncologists. Alternative medicine is a treatments used for surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy. They can be dangerous directly and also by delaying patients’ receipt of mainstream care.”They can provide symptom control and noninvasive palliation with minimal side effects, improve patients’ well-being and enhance cancer medicine.Alternative Medicine doctor is a world authority on the subjects of biochemical correction of addiction and alternatives to psychiatric drugs.These centers can do drug and alcohol. They can give therapy for any kind of addiction or problem with any unknown drug.”(Luwick)
The widespread use of alternative medicine nowadays has driven scientists to study it and understand the reasons of the high demand for unconventional treatment. According to Zollman C, and Vickers A. (1999), complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) can be defined as therapeutic and diagnostic disciplines which are exogenous of the institutions where modern methods of treatment are exist and taught. Eisenberg D. (1993), defines CAM as “medical interventions which are commonly not taught at medical schools and not generally provided at hospitals in the US”. These two definitions are not fully satisfactory because, firstly, some forms of CAM which were tested by scientists and appeared to be safe and effective and found a place in conventional medical mainstream. Secondly, CAM is not about medical intervention, which means impacts of taken drugs. The majority of CAM is based on psychology, spirituality, sociology and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which make trials difficult. However, despite the fact that conventional medicine is scientific based and proven by science, many people still use alternative medicine instead or as a compliment to the modern one. Research shows that the majority of the patients at an Accident and Emergency department used to refer to some forms of CAM. (Waterbrook A.L, 2008). Other studies show that over the period of the last 20 years an increase in interest in CAM was observed. Approximately 30% of the UK population (Ernst, 1996) and almost the same in the USA) have used alternative medicine. Referring to these sources it is seen that the demand for CAM remains high nowadays; however, the importance here is not to evaluate the reasons why people still use...
suggested as possible treatment. Conventional medicine can be trusted and it shows real treatment. The most significant advantage of conventional health care is the increase in the life expectancy of people due to advance in medicine. Also, illnesses which had no cure in the past, like child leukemia, heart related diseases and most forms asthma can be treated now. Therefore, there should be no alternative to modern medicine, because advantages of it are clear, while there is still discussion on unconventional medicine. Some forms of CAM might be used as compliment to conventional medicine, but not as alternative to it. People should be more informed about CAM and its inefficiency to provide effective and safe health care as modern medicine does.
One thing is guaranteed to happen; people will always get sick. Diseases and bacteria are always changing and the human body’s immune system isn’t always prepared to fight it off. The pharmaceutical industry knows this, and that’s why they are a multi-billion dollar industry. Today, you will see a pill that will virtually cure every kind of “disease” out there whether it’s physical, emotional, or neurological. What is a “disease”? Supposedly if you have constant headaches, you have a disease. If you’re overweight, you have a disease. If you have trouble concentrating, you have a disease. Any little problem that you can think of, there most likely will be a pill out there that will “cure” that problem. First, your body is the only thing that can cure a disease. Second, everyone experiences these little problems and there are simple solutions that can “cure” these problems without the expensive pills that can cause harmful side effects. Why isn’t this information being told to us? Because of money. Notice that in all commercial breaks there is a commercial advertising some kind of pill for a certain kind of problem. They make so much money that the drug companies can employ thousands of lobbyists to bribe, lie, and payout almost anyone they need to to get them to advertise their product. Even politicians benefit from the pharmaceutical companies, and if politicians have their back, then how can they be expected to be stopped? Modern medicine has no doubt done wonders for many people to get better from illnesses, but this industry is getting way out of hand.
Throughout the last few years alternative medicine has drawn a ton of attention towards itself. New ideas and new styles of this medicine are introduced into the media everyday. Despite all the attention to this new trend what do we actually know about it? Is it safe? What studies have been done? In a time when people are looking for a change and living life to the fullest these new methods of medicine seem to be just the answer we’re looking for. Conventional medical practitioners say that this new style of medicine is bogus and is dangerous because there is no solid evidence it actually works. Although alternative medical doctors say this kind of medicine cures even better without using the pills, drugs, and shots that conventional medicine uses. Despite the argument between these two sides the best possible cure for ones self should be instead of choosing a specific method to help yourself use a combination of the two to help heal.
This subject of alternative medicine relates to many people in today’s world. The media, the government, and even parents and children have something to do with this vast new form of medicine. Alternative medicine continues to grow every year, which makes it a very important issue in our society, in fact 40% of American use some form of herbal or other alternative medicine in the world today (Jonas). This fact just shows how widely used this method is. According to a survey of 1,539 adults in 1990 and 2,055 in 1997, use of at least one type of alternative therapy during the previous year jumped from 33.8 percent in 1990 to 42.1 percent in 1997 (Mann). These facts show just how fast alternative medicine is growing. The option to ignore the use of alternative medicine is gone. For how much this new method of medicine is growing it is almost impossible to overlook.
Plants contain minerals and vitamins that have also been proven to do the same. It may sound like a “miracle cure,” almost too good to be true, and oftentimes, it is. Alternative therapies are safer: fewer, if any, chemicals are involved in them. Radiation, for example, is a mainstream cancer “fighter,” yet it is poisonous, so is it not insanity to treat a weakened patient with it? Whether a treatment is popular with mainstream medicine practitioners or not should not matter. What is best for the patient’s wellbeing should be the deciding factor. And if ingesting inexpensive plants or taking a vial of venom is the answer, then the pharmaceutical companies should not interfere, as more than money is at stake in the battle against disease.
Alternative Medicine have recently became more popular and more dangerous. Alternative Medicine are basically were people with life threatening diseases go to other countries and get treatment. Most countries advertise these medicines because because they are trying find a cure for diseases.Most of the time these medicines are made from people who know nothing about medicine or anything medical. Illegally manufacturers can use clever names to make their product seem safe group like the elderly. When in reality they most likely will kill or give the people life long illnesses. Then returning back to the United States with a illness that could infect others around them . If and when these people get sick they can not be helped because this type of medicine has not been approved by the FDA a.k.a Food and Drug Administration. If the FDA hasn’t approved the product than there is no cure for the illness or abnormal absce FDA requires that the “medicine” is safe for the people using it. As a result, some manufacturers of medicine will add substances. Adding the unknown substances can be very dangerous and unsanitary to the person using the substance/radiation.The FDA has proven that all alternative false . Alternative medicines have became more dangerous every time it is used proven that most of the “doctors” aren’t trained properly and can be very unconscious of the dangers they can cause people. These people are most of the time very ill and can worsen the illnesses.The illness cannot be blamed on the “doctor” because he/she has been to there country and most likely signed some type of form just like you would in the United States.
...r died. Doing these treatments usually gives the person a false sense of hope, they become very open minded and believe that the treatment will work.Alternative and complementary therapies differ importantly, and the distinction between the two is crucial for clinical oncologists. Alternative medicine is a treatments used for surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy. They can be dangerous directly and also by delaying patients’ receipt of mainstream care.”They can provide symptom control and noninvasive palliation with minimal side effects, improve patients’ well-being and enhance cancer medicine.Alternative Medicine doctor is a world authority on the subjects of biochemical correction of addiction and alternatives to psychiatric drugs.These centers can do drug and alcohol. They can give therapy for any kind of addiction or problem with any unknown drug.”(Luwick)
The widespread use of alternative medicine nowadays has driven scientists to study it and understand the reasons of the high demand for unconventional treatment. According to Zollman C, and Vickers A. (1999), complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) can be defined as therapeutic and diagnostic disciplines which are exogenous of the institutions where modern methods of treatment are exist and taught. Eisenberg D. (1993), defines CAM as “medical interventions which are commonly not taught at medical schools and not generally provided at hospitals in the US”. These two definitions are not fully satisfactory because, firstly, some forms of CAM which were tested by scientists and appeared to be safe and effective and found a place in conventional medical mainstream. Secondly, CAM is not about medical intervention, which means impacts of taken drugs. The majority of CAM is based on psychology, spirituality, sociology and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which make trials difficult. However, despite the fact that conventional medicine is scientific based and proven by science, many people still use alternative medicine instead or as a compliment to the modern one. Research shows that the majority of the patients at an Accident and Emergency department used to refer to some forms of CAM. (Waterbrook A.L, 2008). Other studies show that over the period of the last 20 years an increase in interest in CAM was observed. Approximately 30% of the UK population (Ernst, 1996) and almost the same in the USA) have used alternative medicine. Referring to these sources it is seen that the demand for CAM remains high nowadays; however, the importance here is not to evaluate the reasons why people still use...
suggested as possible treatment. Conventional medicine can be trusted and it shows real treatment. The most significant advantage of conventional health care is the increase in the life expectancy of people due to advance in medicine. Also, illnesses which had no cure in the past, like child leukemia, heart related diseases and most forms asthma can be treated now. Therefore, there should be no alternative to modern medicine, because advantages of it are clear, while there is still discussion on unconventional medicine. Some forms of CAM might be used as compliment to conventional medicine, but not as alternative to it. People should be more informed about CAM and its inefficiency to provide effective and safe health care as modern medicine does.
One thing is guaranteed to happen; people will always get sick. Diseases and bacteria are always changing and the human body’s immune system isn’t always prepared to fight it off. The pharmaceutical industry knows this, and that’s why they are a multi-billion dollar industry. Today, you will see a pill that will virtually cure every kind of “disease” out there whether it’s physical, emotional, or neurological. What is a “disease”? Supposedly if you have constant headaches, you have a disease. If you’re overweight, you have a disease. If you have trouble concentrating, you have a disease. Any little problem that you can think of, there most likely will be a pill out there that will “cure” that problem. First, your body is the only thing that can cure a disease. Second, everyone experiences these little problems and there are simple solutions that can “cure” these problems without the expensive pills that can cause harmful side effects. Why isn’t this information being told to us? Because of money. Notice that in all commercial breaks there is a commercial advertising some kind of pill for a certain kind of problem. They make so much money that the drug companies can employ thousands of lobbyists to bribe, lie, and payout almost anyone they need to to get them to advertise their product. Even politicians benefit from the pharmaceutical companies, and if politicians have their back, then how can they be expected to be stopped? Modern medicine has no doubt done wonders for many people to get better from illnesses, but this industry is getting way out of hand.
Throughout the last few years alternative medicine has drawn a ton of attention towards itself. New ideas and new styles of this medicine are introduced into the media everyday. Despite all the attention to this new trend what do we actually know about it? Is it safe? What studies have been done? In a time when people are looking for a change and living life to the fullest these new methods of medicine seem to be just the answer we’re looking for. Conventional medical practitioners say that this new style of medicine is bogus and is dangerous because there is no solid evidence it actually works. Although alternative medical doctors say this kind of medicine cures even better without using the pills, drugs, and shots that conventional medicine uses. Despite the argument between these two sides the best possible cure for ones self should be instead of choosing a specific method to help yourself use a combination of the two to help heal.
This subject of alternative medicine relates to many people in today’s world. The media, the government, and even parents and children have something to do with this vast new form of medicine. Alternative medicine continues to grow every year, which makes it a very important issue in our society, in fact 40% of American use some form of herbal or other alternative medicine in the world today (Jonas). This fact just shows how widely used this method is. According to a survey of 1,539 adults in 1990 and 2,055 in 1997, use of at least one type of alternative therapy during the previous year jumped from 33.8 percent in 1990 to 42.1 percent in 1997 (Mann). These facts show just how fast alternative medicine is growing. The option to ignore the use of alternative medicine is gone. For how much this new method of medicine is growing it is almost impossible to overlook.