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Ambition World
created Jun 29th 2022, 14:34 by ASHEESH SINGH
1678 words
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Avoid using your debit card for any online purchase or for something which is expensive. You will find it much easier to dispute a charge when you use your credit card. The advantages and acceptability of credit cards from the customer's view point vary from that of a banker or member establishments.
To the Card Holder: The small and attractive plastic credit cards are very easy to carry and they shopping, without the burden of carrying wards of currency notes with its inherent risks, inconveniences and dangers. Numbers of fringe benefits are available to the credit card holder. It has increased the purchasing power and has also become a status symbol to holder. In short, it can be said that the cardholder has at his disposal 'instant credit' upto a fixed limit whenever he needs it.
To the Issuer: The credit cards enable the issuer to provide a fuller service to their customers. They are also useful marketing tools, as they open up relationship with merchants. Even as a vociferous lobby is pushing hard towards land acquisition, the Centre was has refused to accept suggestions of a parliamentary committee that prohibits acquisition of land for private companies. Recommendations of the committee took the policymakers by surprise. Now, contrary to this suggestion, the Centre is keen to go ahead with its Land Acquisition Bill which they claim is mandatory for the purposes of infrastructure and industrial development. Union Rural Development minister Jairam Ramesh and Union Law minister Salman Khurshid ruled out any such possibility as recommended.
Fortunately the days of the mad rush to get cash from the bank are long gone We now enjoy the convenience of using a nearby automatic teller machine (ATM) or you can even get "cash back" at your local grocery, hardware or convenience store. The card you use at the ATM is known as debit card. When debit cards first appeared it was easy to tell them apart from credit cards. Debit cards didn't have a credit card company logo on them; instead, they usually just had your bank name, your account number and your name. Today debit cards look exactly like credit cards even carrying the same logos. Both types of cards can be swiped at the checkout counter, used to make purchases on the internet, or to pay for the fill up at the gas pump. When you use your debit card to make a purchase, it's just like using cash. The account that is attached to your debit card, in most cases your checking account, is automatically debited when you use your debit card. The cost of your purchase is deducted from the funds you have in that account. On the other hand, when you use your credit card to make a purchase you are using someone's else's money, specifically the issuer of the credit card, usually a banking institution. In effect, you agree to pay them back the money you borrowed to make your purchase. In addition you will also pay interest on the money "loaned" to you at the rate which you agreed to when you applied for their credit card. This is known as the annual percentage rate (APR). While the two cards might act and look alike, the levels of consumer protection that each type of card provides can be different.
In this fast-paced world, time is money and everything needs to be done in the shortest time possible. You see that several job postings include a minimum typing speed in terms of words per minute in their list of requirements. With the widespread use of computers, almost everyone knows how to type. The real question is how fast you can type, which is measured by taking a standard wpm test. It is not only the typing speed; accuracy also matters. This is measured in terms of percentage and most employers expect 90% or more.
You don't need to worry much if you haven't done great on a typing speed test just yet. Only a few types of jobs insist on applicants taking a wpm test and achieving a high score in the range of 90 - 100 words per minute.
Data Entry Operator: Typing is the primary task in this role. The data entry operator needs to enter vast amounts of data into the computer database. Examples of this data are stock inventory and customer details. The repetitive nature of this job can make a person tired or bored, so the challenge is to maintain a high level of accuracy.
Customer Support Staff: When providing customer support via e-mail or chat, your typing test wpm is a measure of your performance and efficiency on the job. You are dealing with a customer in real time and they expect fast replies to their queries.
Administrative or Legal Assistant: You need to send out various kinds of correspondence, and prepare reports and other documentation. There are so many tasks to complete in so little time; the higher a wpm test score you possess, the more you can get crossed off your to-do list and prevent work from stacking up.
Secretary or Receptionist: A person working in this role needs to fill out forms, take dictation from bosses and write minutes of meetings. Bosses are busy people and don't have much time or patience for slow typists.
Medical Transcription: Typing test wpm speed definitely matters in this job because you are converting audio content into textual form. However, accuracy takes precedence because of the critical nature of the medical records of patients.
Court Reporters: These workers type out the entire conversation in the court room and cannot afford to miss out a single word. They use stenotype machines that work like typewriters but with a keyboard layout different from the regular QWERTY one and undergo specialized training to achieve super-fast typing speeds.
Globalisation, The sudden increase in the exchange of people, knowledge, trade and capital in the last two decades, has created an inter-connected web comprising countries across the globe. Interestingly, as countries embrace globalisation and open up to each other, the desire to aggressively protect their own national interests, captured by the term jingoism, also gains currency.
The 21 century is a century of movement and fluidity. Globalisation, aided by technological innovation, has redefined the idea of borders and identities. As more people move transcend borders and interact with people from different nationalities, they gain a new perspective on the world. Globalisation includes an inter-linking of trades, culture, political and social views and benefits countries as they adopt the best practices from all over the world to improve their own country. Access to international markets, rise in tourism, forex reserves, financial support, security are just some of the advantages of embracing globalisation.
However, globalisation also stokes fears of losing out in the face of competition from other countries, which, in turn, fuels jingoistic feelings in the people. There is a sense of insecurity in such countries, which begins to reflect in their foreign policy marked by protectionism. In their attempt to safeguard their national interests and shield the country’s industries, people (especially the unemployed) and resources, they tend to adopt measures such as higher tariffs on imported goods, incentives to firms who employ natives, restricting influx of migrants and so on. A good example of this is the US, under Donald Trump, who is pandering to jingoistic feelings through measures such as cubs on H-1B visa, outsourcing jobs and migration, to name a few.
The more the countries open up, the more strong jingoism becomes. It’s up to the individual country to strike a balance between these two.
The government of India has been taking a flurry of measures to correct the gender bias and support women. For instance Priyadarshini - a pilot programme for women empowerment, Support to Training and Employment Programme - to develop skills of women for self and employment, Udaan- to promote girl education and Sukanya Samridhi Yojana under which girl child below 10 years will have bank accounts with more interest to name a few. These schemes are also an acknowledgment of the fact that gender bias is a reality, that women remain a neglected lot, and until that is tackled, women empowerment will remain a hollow idea.
Education and empowerment go hand in hand. If we are to empower girls, it is imperative to give women access to education. It is no coincidence that an improvement in the condition of women has coincided with an increase in the literacy rates of women to more than 50 per cent today. It is also important, at the same time, to sensitise the men of the society on gender issues so that the existing gender bias can be wiped off.
Health is the normal and sound state of the body. This is a great source of peace and happiness.
Health refers to a state of sound mind and physically fit body free from any disorder, sickness or ailment. In simple words, health refers to the physical, emotional and psychological well-being of a person.
Hygiene refers to the good practices that prevent diseases and leads to good health, especially through cleanliness, proper sewage disposal, and supply of safe drinking water. It refers to all those activities that are done for improving and preserving, maintaining sound health.
The proverb says that health is wealth. It is truly said that of all things in the world health is the most valuable that one can possess. Money is no doubt a pleasant thing. However, it can give no pleasure to a man of ruined health. As body and mind are closely connected, the mind cannot be sound and cheerful without sound health.
Value and benefits of Good Health: Life is a great struggle, and health is the best weapon to be successful in the battle of life. A healthy man can enjoy life in every way. An unhealthy man lives a most miserable life. He may have intelligence, merit and wealth, but he cannot put them to use and reap their benefits.
Hygiene Habits for Good Health.
To the Card Holder: The small and attractive plastic credit cards are very easy to carry and they shopping, without the burden of carrying wards of currency notes with its inherent risks, inconveniences and dangers. Numbers of fringe benefits are available to the credit card holder. It has increased the purchasing power and has also become a status symbol to holder. In short, it can be said that the cardholder has at his disposal 'instant credit' upto a fixed limit whenever he needs it.
To the Issuer: The credit cards enable the issuer to provide a fuller service to their customers. They are also useful marketing tools, as they open up relationship with merchants. Even as a vociferous lobby is pushing hard towards land acquisition, the Centre was has refused to accept suggestions of a parliamentary committee that prohibits acquisition of land for private companies. Recommendations of the committee took the policymakers by surprise. Now, contrary to this suggestion, the Centre is keen to go ahead with its Land Acquisition Bill which they claim is mandatory for the purposes of infrastructure and industrial development. Union Rural Development minister Jairam Ramesh and Union Law minister Salman Khurshid ruled out any such possibility as recommended.
Fortunately the days of the mad rush to get cash from the bank are long gone We now enjoy the convenience of using a nearby automatic teller machine (ATM) or you can even get "cash back" at your local grocery, hardware or convenience store. The card you use at the ATM is known as debit card. When debit cards first appeared it was easy to tell them apart from credit cards. Debit cards didn't have a credit card company logo on them; instead, they usually just had your bank name, your account number and your name. Today debit cards look exactly like credit cards even carrying the same logos. Both types of cards can be swiped at the checkout counter, used to make purchases on the internet, or to pay for the fill up at the gas pump. When you use your debit card to make a purchase, it's just like using cash. The account that is attached to your debit card, in most cases your checking account, is automatically debited when you use your debit card. The cost of your purchase is deducted from the funds you have in that account. On the other hand, when you use your credit card to make a purchase you are using someone's else's money, specifically the issuer of the credit card, usually a banking institution. In effect, you agree to pay them back the money you borrowed to make your purchase. In addition you will also pay interest on the money "loaned" to you at the rate which you agreed to when you applied for their credit card. This is known as the annual percentage rate (APR). While the two cards might act and look alike, the levels of consumer protection that each type of card provides can be different.
In this fast-paced world, time is money and everything needs to be done in the shortest time possible. You see that several job postings include a minimum typing speed in terms of words per minute in their list of requirements. With the widespread use of computers, almost everyone knows how to type. The real question is how fast you can type, which is measured by taking a standard wpm test. It is not only the typing speed; accuracy also matters. This is measured in terms of percentage and most employers expect 90% or more.
You don't need to worry much if you haven't done great on a typing speed test just yet. Only a few types of jobs insist on applicants taking a wpm test and achieving a high score in the range of 90 - 100 words per minute.
Data Entry Operator: Typing is the primary task in this role. The data entry operator needs to enter vast amounts of data into the computer database. Examples of this data are stock inventory and customer details. The repetitive nature of this job can make a person tired or bored, so the challenge is to maintain a high level of accuracy.
Customer Support Staff: When providing customer support via e-mail or chat, your typing test wpm is a measure of your performance and efficiency on the job. You are dealing with a customer in real time and they expect fast replies to their queries.
Administrative or Legal Assistant: You need to send out various kinds of correspondence, and prepare reports and other documentation. There are so many tasks to complete in so little time; the higher a wpm test score you possess, the more you can get crossed off your to-do list and prevent work from stacking up.
Secretary or Receptionist: A person working in this role needs to fill out forms, take dictation from bosses and write minutes of meetings. Bosses are busy people and don't have much time or patience for slow typists.
Medical Transcription: Typing test wpm speed definitely matters in this job because you are converting audio content into textual form. However, accuracy takes precedence because of the critical nature of the medical records of patients.
Court Reporters: These workers type out the entire conversation in the court room and cannot afford to miss out a single word. They use stenotype machines that work like typewriters but with a keyboard layout different from the regular QWERTY one and undergo specialized training to achieve super-fast typing speeds.
Globalisation, The sudden increase in the exchange of people, knowledge, trade and capital in the last two decades, has created an inter-connected web comprising countries across the globe. Interestingly, as countries embrace globalisation and open up to each other, the desire to aggressively protect their own national interests, captured by the term jingoism, also gains currency.
The 21 century is a century of movement and fluidity. Globalisation, aided by technological innovation, has redefined the idea of borders and identities. As more people move transcend borders and interact with people from different nationalities, they gain a new perspective on the world. Globalisation includes an inter-linking of trades, culture, political and social views and benefits countries as they adopt the best practices from all over the world to improve their own country. Access to international markets, rise in tourism, forex reserves, financial support, security are just some of the advantages of embracing globalisation.
However, globalisation also stokes fears of losing out in the face of competition from other countries, which, in turn, fuels jingoistic feelings in the people. There is a sense of insecurity in such countries, which begins to reflect in their foreign policy marked by protectionism. In their attempt to safeguard their national interests and shield the country’s industries, people (especially the unemployed) and resources, they tend to adopt measures such as higher tariffs on imported goods, incentives to firms who employ natives, restricting influx of migrants and so on. A good example of this is the US, under Donald Trump, who is pandering to jingoistic feelings through measures such as cubs on H-1B visa, outsourcing jobs and migration, to name a few.
The more the countries open up, the more strong jingoism becomes. It’s up to the individual country to strike a balance between these two.
The government of India has been taking a flurry of measures to correct the gender bias and support women. For instance Priyadarshini - a pilot programme for women empowerment, Support to Training and Employment Programme - to develop skills of women for self and employment, Udaan- to promote girl education and Sukanya Samridhi Yojana under which girl child below 10 years will have bank accounts with more interest to name a few. These schemes are also an acknowledgment of the fact that gender bias is a reality, that women remain a neglected lot, and until that is tackled, women empowerment will remain a hollow idea.
Education and empowerment go hand in hand. If we are to empower girls, it is imperative to give women access to education. It is no coincidence that an improvement in the condition of women has coincided with an increase in the literacy rates of women to more than 50 per cent today. It is also important, at the same time, to sensitise the men of the society on gender issues so that the existing gender bias can be wiped off.
Health is the normal and sound state of the body. This is a great source of peace and happiness.
Health refers to a state of sound mind and physically fit body free from any disorder, sickness or ailment. In simple words, health refers to the physical, emotional and psychological well-being of a person.
Hygiene refers to the good practices that prevent diseases and leads to good health, especially through cleanliness, proper sewage disposal, and supply of safe drinking water. It refers to all those activities that are done for improving and preserving, maintaining sound health.
The proverb says that health is wealth. It is truly said that of all things in the world health is the most valuable that one can possess. Money is no doubt a pleasant thing. However, it can give no pleasure to a man of ruined health. As body and mind are closely connected, the mind cannot be sound and cheerful without sound health.
Value and benefits of Good Health: Life is a great struggle, and health is the best weapon to be successful in the battle of life. A healthy man can enjoy life in every way. An unhealthy man lives a most miserable life. He may have intelligence, merit and wealth, but he cannot put them to use and reap their benefits.
Hygiene Habits for Good Health.