
Text Practice Mode


created May 19th 2022, 11:04 by SAKSHI COMPUTER



280 words
34 completed
When  you have the opportunity to add joy to someone’s life, do it. When you have the opportunity to experience something new, take it. Each time you come across the opportunity to learn, make the most of it. If you encounter the opportunity to take on a challenge, give your best to it. Look at the world and clearly see what’s there. Then look again and see what could be, see the opportunities for improvement, fulfillment, and value. Let life's continuing opportunities inspire you into action. Focus your energy and your efforts on transforming opportunities into valuable realities. No matter what the situation, you have the opportunity to make a positive difference by the way you choose to live. As life swirls around you, commit yourself to creating beneficial outcomes. Don't give regrets the chance to weigh you down. Recognize the opportunities, act on them, and make life better because of the way you choose to live it. Just because life has let you down doesn’t mean that you must let yourself down. Pick yourself up, quickly take a positive step, and know that you’re closer to reaching your goal than you’ve ever been before. You've been through some of the hard part and already experienced some of the difficulty you must go through. So keep going, and make that experience count. Change your approach if that’s what is called for. Learn from where you’ve been, adapt and adjust your efforts to be even more effective. Every day, every encounter, and every outcome is a new opportunity to move yourself forward. Keep yourself focused on the goal you’ve chosen, and keep yourself moving in the best way you know how.

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