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mightest and the time are the limit in thare mikine

created May 11th 2022, 02:31 by Ajit kumar Pani



1377 words
1 completed
Control inflation by acting on liquidity  
Inflation in India cannot be described just as ‘cost­push’; an abundance of liquidity has been an important factor The recent action of the Re­
serve Bank of India (RBI) to
raise the repo rate by 40 ba­
sis points and cash reserve ratio
(CRR) by 50 basis points is a recog­
nition of the serious situation with
respect to inflation in our country
and the resolve to tackle inflation.
Inflation has assumed a menacing
proportion in almost all countries.
The situation is the worst in the
United States where the consumer
price inflation stood (in March
2022) at 8.56%, a level not reached
for several decades. Consumer
price index (CPI) inflation in India
stood (in March 2022) at 6.95% . It
is expected to rise further in April.
India’s CPI inflation has been fluc­
tuating around a high level. As ear­
ly as October 2020, it had hit a
peak of 7.61%. It had remained at a
high level of over 6% since April
2020. It did come down after De­
cember 2020 but has started rising
significantly from January 2022.  
On the other hand, the Whole­
sale Price Index (WPI) inflation
had remained in double digits
since April 2021. The GDP implicit
price deflator­based inflation rate
for 2021­22 is 9.6%.  
Impact on production
Even though the RBI’s mandate is
with respect to CPI inflation,  poli­
cymakers cannot ignore the beha­
viour of other price indices. In the
2008­09 crisis, central banks of
developed countries, particularly
the Fed, had been blamed for over­
looking the sharp rise in asset pric­
es, even though CPI inflation was
After the advent of COVID­19 ,
the major concern of policymak­
ers all over the world was to revive
demand. This was sought to be
achieved by raising government
expenditure. This is the standard
Keynesian prescription. The sev­
ere lockdowns imposed to prevent
the spread of COVID­19 restricted
the mobility of people, goods and
Thus, the expansion in govern­
ment expenditure did not imme­
diately result in increased produc­
tion in countries where the
lockdown was taken seriously. In­
dia belongs to this category. As
V.K.R.V. Rao pointed out in the
1950s, the Keynesian multiplier
did not work when there were sup­
ply constraints as in developing
countries. That is why he argued
that the multiplier operated in no­
minal terms rather than in real
terms in such countries. Someth­
ing similar has happened in the
present case where the supply
constraint came from a non­mobil­
ity of factors of production.  
Issue of inflation
Nevertheless, the prescription of
enhanced government expendi­
ture is still valid under the present
circumstances. Perhaps the in­
crease in output could happen
with a lag and also with the relaxa­
tion of restrictions. Initially, the fo­
cus of monetary policy in India
has been to keep the interest rate
low and increase the availability of
liquidity through various chan­
nels, some of which have been
newly introduced. However, the
growth rate of money was below
the growth rate in reserve money .
This is because of lower credit
growth which also depends on bu­
siness sentiment and investment
climate. Thus the money multi­
plier is lower than usual. The Go­
vernment’s borrowing pro­
gramme which was larger went
through smoothly, thanks to abun­
dant liquidity.
Even as the economy picked up
steam in 2021­22, inflation also be­
came an issue. As mentioned at
the beginning, this is a worldwide
phenomenon. In the U.S., the ex­
planation has been quite simple.
There has been a balance sheet ex­
plosion of the Fed. On January 1,
2020 the total assets (less some
items) of the Fed stood at $4.17 tril­
lion and in April 2022, at $8.96 tril­
lion. This massive expansion in as­
sets is the result of quantitative
easing which essentially means li­
quidity support provided by the
The Fed Chairman has made
strong statements expressing the
need to reduce the size of the as­
sets. The Fed is planning to shrink
its balance sheet by $95 billion a
month. It raised the policy rate by
50 basis points a few days ago. In
India too there is a shift in mone­
tary policy. The latest monetary
policy reiterates the stance as one
of “to remain accommodative
while focusing on withdrawal of
accommodation to ensure that in­
flation remains within the target
going forward, while supporting
growth”. Without efforts to curtail
liquidity, inflation will not come
I go back to a point which I have
been making several times recent­
ly. While discussing inflation, ana­
lysts including policymakers focus
almost exclusively on the increas­
es in the prices of individual com­
modities such as crude oil as the
primary cause of inflation. The
Russian­Ukraine war is cited as a
primary cause. True, in many sit­
uations including the current one,
they may be the triggers. Supply
disruptions due to domestic or ex­
ternal factors may explain the be­
haviour of individual prices but
not the general price level which is
what inflation is about. Given a
budget constraint, there will only
be an adjustment of relative pric­
Besides the fact that any cost­
push increase in one commodity
may get generalised, it is the ad­
justment that happens at the ma­
cro level which becomes critical. A
long time ago, Friedman said, “it is
true that the upward push in wag­
es produced inflation, not because
it was necessarily inflationary but
because it happened to be the me­
chanism which forced an increase
in the stock of money”. Thus, it is
the adjustment in the macro level
of liquidity that sustains inflation.  
Inflation and growth
The possible trade­off between in­
flation and growth has a long his­
tory in economic literature. The
Phillip’s curve has been analys ed
theoretically and empirically. To­
bin called the Phillip’s curve  a
‘cruel dilemma’ because it suggest­
ed that full employment was not
compatible with price stability.
The critical question flowing from
these discussions on trade­off is
whether cost­push factors can by
themselves generate inflation. To­
bin said at one place that inflation
‘is neither demand­pull nor cost­
push or rather it is both’, even
though he did not agree with
Friedman’s extreme position that
there would be no pure cost­push
In the current situation, it is so­
metimes argued that inflation will
come down, if some part of the in­
crease in crude prices is absorbed
by the government. There may be
a case for reducing the duties on
petroleum products for the simple
reason that one segment of the
population should not bear exces­
sive burden. The same considera­
tion applies to food prices. But to
think that it is a magic wand
through which inflation can be
avoided is wrong. If the additional
burden borne by the government
(through loss of revenue) is not off­
set by expenditures, the overall
deficit will widen. The borrowing
programme will increase and ad­
ditional liquidity support may be
Concomitant decisions
Commenting on the increase in re­
po rate and a rise in CRR, some
have commented that this is dou­
ble whammy. No, these are con­
comitant decisions. Central banks
cannot order interest rates. For a
rise in the interest rate to stick, ap­
propriate actions must be taken to
contract liquidity. That is what the
rise in CRR will do. In the absence
of a rise in CRR, liquidity will have
to be sucked by open market oper­
ations. As the RBI Governor Shak­
tikanta Das put it in his statement,
“Liquidity conditions need to be
modulated in line with the policy
action and stance to ensure their
full and efficient transmission to
the rest of the economy.”
Inflation in India cannot be de­
scribed just as ‘cost­push’. Abun­
dance of liquidity has been an im­
portant factor. The April Monetary
Policy statement talked of a liquid­
ity overhang of the order of ₹ 8.5
lakh crore. Beyond a point, infla­
tion itself can hinder growth. Ne­
gative real rates of interest on sav­
ings are not conducive to growth.
If we want to control inflation, ac­
tion on liquidity is very much
needed with a concomitant rise in
the interest rate on deposits and

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