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Most Common Real English Words for Duolingo English Test !
created May 4th 2022, 06:46 by alikmii
1197 words
4 completed
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Days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekdays weekend
Months of the year January February March April May June July August September October November December
Hobbies gardening stamp collection orienteering caving spelunking scuba diving snorkeling skateboarding bowls archery ice skating darts golf billiards photography painting embroidery climbing chess parachute pottery woodcarving.
Subjects science politics architecture law geography history biology archaeology literature statistics mathematics performing arts visual arts logic physics psychology anthropology economics philosophy chemistry humanities business management agriculture.
Marketing catalogue interview research method entertainment industry TV program strategies leadership management customer special offer collecting data display products questionnaire survey mass media poll business card training trainee statistic profit margin newsletter competition merchandise manufacture recruitment.
Studying at college/university course outline group discussion handout research Proofreading experiment written work report writing experience reference textbook student advisor teamwork module topic dictionary laptop printer assessment library department computer center classroom attendance deadline give a talk speech lecture tutor main hall computer laboratory certificate diploma placement test facilities college dining room specialist knowledge international accommodation overseas students full-time homestay primary secondary intermediate media room commencement dissertation leaflet school reunion feedback tasks outcomes advanced introductory extra background resources room staff higher education guidelines post-secondary faculty pupils pencil supervisor bachelor’s degree compound foreign students schedule vocabulary student support services student retention publication registrar’s office stationery.
Works and jobs designer occupation profession decorator architect engineer waiter teacher vacancy professor specialist manager waitress psychologist، volunteer craftsman work experience curriculum vitae freelance secretary mail address receptionist pilot lecturer office assistant clerk accountant guard flight attendant cashier captain
Health yoga tai-chi keep-fit salad bar vegetarian outdoor activities leisure time disease meal protein balanced diet food pyramid vitamin carbohydrates rice pasta potatoes pizza tomatoes bread cereals minerals zinc meat seafood eggs beans milk cheese yogurt fruit vegetables citrus fruits green pepper blackcurrant nuts egg yolk liver medicine، treatment remedy nursing care nursery regular exercise.
Nature field footbridge river mountain forest village environment waterfall coast reef lake valley peninsula earthquake avalanche tornado typhoon hill cliff island desertification volcano disaster landslides storm flood hurricane pond catastrophe erosion jungle oasis dam canyon
The environment coal fossil fuels acid rain global warming carbon dioxide greenhouse effect burning fossil exhaust fumes smog climate pollution temperature power plants deforestation nitrogen oxide landfill cattle wind turbine renewable source of energy reliable solar panels solar power hydroelectric power environmentally friendly oxygen chemical-free vegetation sea level ocean currents soil conditioner firewood desert degradation drought contaminated.
Continents Australia Africa South America North America Asia Europe Antarctica
Countries Switzerland Turkey England Egypt Mexico Germany Greece Brazil India North Korea the Dominican Republic France Indonesia India Malaysia New Zealand United Kingdom China Italy Nigeria Pakistan Singapore the Philippines Denmark.
Languages Japanese German linguistics bilingual trilingual polyglot Portuguese Mandarin Bengali Chinese Hindi Russian Punjabi Thai Persian Filipino French Italian Greek French
Architecture and buildings dome palace fort castle glasshouse pyramid log cabin lighthouse hut skyscraper sculpture
Homes chimney bedroom semi-detached house duplex townhouse row house bungalow thatched cottage mobile home houseboat a block of flats apartment building condominium basement landlord terraced house tenant rent lease neighborhood suburb dormitory story kitchen refrigerator microwave sofa coffee table ground floor oven hallway insurance
In the city central station cities street lane city center car park department store bridge temple hospital garden avenue embassy road system
Transportations boat lifeboat cargo plane shipment container ship ferry liner canal boat narrowboat dinghy sailing hovercraft hydrofoil sailboat paddle steamer cabin cruiser kayak canoe punt gondola aircraft rowing boat rowboat helicopter seaplane airship hot-air balloon airport platform hire a car automobile crew passenger.
Workplaces staff selection clinic dentist reception appointment colleague workshop employer employment unemployed technical cooperation team leaders showroom information desk stress ability vision employee internship confidence.
Places parliament accommodation local library swimming pool cafeteria cottage restaurant bookshop sports center city council canteen cafe dance studio park conversation club kindergarten
Money matters cash debit low-risk investment credit card cheque annual fee monthly membership tuition fees poverty bank statement money management current account interest rate deposit student account withdraw mortgage grace period in advance budget deficit retail voucher coupon، counterfeit money debt interest-free credit purchase partial refund annuity public money taxpayers’ money income non-refundable MasterCard VISA duty-free store distribution costs finance department family finances.
Rating and qualities expensive cheap reasonable satisfactory dangerous poor quality satisfied disappointed efficient luxurious safe strongly recommended colored spotted striped.
Touring souvenir trip tourist guided tour ticket office guest reservation view culture single double-bedded room picnic tourist attraction hostel suite memorable aquarium.
Adjectives energetic social ancient necessary fantastic exciting fabulous dull comfortable convenient suitable affordable voluntary، mandatory compulsory temporary permanent Immense vast salty extinct vulnerable pessimistic optimistic realistic practical knowledgeable flexible confident Western intensive tranquil spectacular intact various
Verbs train develop collect supervise mark edit revise exhibit donate surpass register support hunt persuade concentrate discuss suggest arrange borrow immigrate review learn touch.
Sports jet-skiing bodyboarding snowboarding cricket baseball basketball rugby hang-gliding skydiving soccer American football hockey swimming tennis squash the javelin badminton ping-pong field court pitch stadium team the discus the hammer the high jump horse racing show jumping polo cycling canoeing refreshment gymnasium extreme sports paragliding abseiling athlete gym bungee jumping white-water rafting surfing windsurfing kitesurfing mountain biking push-up judo recreation jogging press-up snooker walking barbell treadmill championship.
Shapes Oval Square rectangular triangular polygon spherical circular curved cylindrical three dimensions Measurement width length altitude imperial system metric system spiral Mass depth breadth height frequency
Weather humid hot sticky breeze chilly cold cool dry dusty freezing hot warm wet weather forecast antenna moisture
Equipment and tools helmet light musical instrument cassette silicon chip digital monitor gadget device screen breaks wheels mechanical pencil disk backpack
The arts and media Opera Orchestra concert symphony the press conductor vocalist audience festival carnival exhibition classical music theatre cinemas art gallery museum ballet television radio graphics newspaper
The animal kingdom lion penguin seabirds poultry and game birds of prey mammals genus species cetacean whale primates rodents reptile insects octopus phylum fish amphibian class order family livestock creature plants mushroom fungus stem roots cluster fertilizer leaves seed core bark trunk twig branch flower.
Vehicles camper double-decker bus single-decker minibus forklift truck school bus coach truck tanker van lorry transporter tow truck breakdown truck pickup jeep taxi cab tram underground subway caravan tractor stream train freight train a goods train
Expressions and time midday three times three times per week millennium a gap year fulltime part-time midnight century decade fortnight.
Materials aluminum copper fur metal steel rubber plastic ceramics cement stone textile cotton fabric wool glass leather bone paper lumber/wood glue concrete wax paper wood silver composite fiberglass gold feather
Colour blue white orange green grey black red yellow purple brown pink
Other sufficient dialogue passport photo state variety private sector practice gender creativity government individual original inhabitant indigenous demonstration circuit guarantee commerce carriage narrative strike entrance chocolate satellite decision prototype attitude activity recipient ultrasound pedestrian safety daily routine personal fulfillment traffic jams procedures creation senior opportunity driving license prize junior process literary man-made republicans waiting list sewer systems liberal democracy democrats umbrella frequently updated lunar calendar libertarian burger videos fund-raising event magnet dialect ramification straight nature conservation life expectancy farewell welfare encyclopedia illiteracy robot proficiency evolution revolution.
Months of the year January February March April May June July August September October November December
Hobbies gardening stamp collection orienteering caving spelunking scuba diving snorkeling skateboarding bowls archery ice skating darts golf billiards photography painting embroidery climbing chess parachute pottery woodcarving.
Subjects science politics architecture law geography history biology archaeology literature statistics mathematics performing arts visual arts logic physics psychology anthropology economics philosophy chemistry humanities business management agriculture.
Marketing catalogue interview research method entertainment industry TV program strategies leadership management customer special offer collecting data display products questionnaire survey mass media poll business card training trainee statistic profit margin newsletter competition merchandise manufacture recruitment.
Studying at college/university course outline group discussion handout research Proofreading experiment written work report writing experience reference textbook student advisor teamwork module topic dictionary laptop printer assessment library department computer center classroom attendance deadline give a talk speech lecture tutor main hall computer laboratory certificate diploma placement test facilities college dining room specialist knowledge international accommodation overseas students full-time homestay primary secondary intermediate media room commencement dissertation leaflet school reunion feedback tasks outcomes advanced introductory extra background resources room staff higher education guidelines post-secondary faculty pupils pencil supervisor bachelor’s degree compound foreign students schedule vocabulary student support services student retention publication registrar’s office stationery.
Works and jobs designer occupation profession decorator architect engineer waiter teacher vacancy professor specialist manager waitress psychologist، volunteer craftsman work experience curriculum vitae freelance secretary mail address receptionist pilot lecturer office assistant clerk accountant guard flight attendant cashier captain
Health yoga tai-chi keep-fit salad bar vegetarian outdoor activities leisure time disease meal protein balanced diet food pyramid vitamin carbohydrates rice pasta potatoes pizza tomatoes bread cereals minerals zinc meat seafood eggs beans milk cheese yogurt fruit vegetables citrus fruits green pepper blackcurrant nuts egg yolk liver medicine، treatment remedy nursing care nursery regular exercise.
Nature field footbridge river mountain forest village environment waterfall coast reef lake valley peninsula earthquake avalanche tornado typhoon hill cliff island desertification volcano disaster landslides storm flood hurricane pond catastrophe erosion jungle oasis dam canyon
The environment coal fossil fuels acid rain global warming carbon dioxide greenhouse effect burning fossil exhaust fumes smog climate pollution temperature power plants deforestation nitrogen oxide landfill cattle wind turbine renewable source of energy reliable solar panels solar power hydroelectric power environmentally friendly oxygen chemical-free vegetation sea level ocean currents soil conditioner firewood desert degradation drought contaminated.
Continents Australia Africa South America North America Asia Europe Antarctica
Countries Switzerland Turkey England Egypt Mexico Germany Greece Brazil India North Korea the Dominican Republic France Indonesia India Malaysia New Zealand United Kingdom China Italy Nigeria Pakistan Singapore the Philippines Denmark.
Languages Japanese German linguistics bilingual trilingual polyglot Portuguese Mandarin Bengali Chinese Hindi Russian Punjabi Thai Persian Filipino French Italian Greek French
Architecture and buildings dome palace fort castle glasshouse pyramid log cabin lighthouse hut skyscraper sculpture
Homes chimney bedroom semi-detached house duplex townhouse row house bungalow thatched cottage mobile home houseboat a block of flats apartment building condominium basement landlord terraced house tenant rent lease neighborhood suburb dormitory story kitchen refrigerator microwave sofa coffee table ground floor oven hallway insurance
In the city central station cities street lane city center car park department store bridge temple hospital garden avenue embassy road system
Transportations boat lifeboat cargo plane shipment container ship ferry liner canal boat narrowboat dinghy sailing hovercraft hydrofoil sailboat paddle steamer cabin cruiser kayak canoe punt gondola aircraft rowing boat rowboat helicopter seaplane airship hot-air balloon airport platform hire a car automobile crew passenger.
Workplaces staff selection clinic dentist reception appointment colleague workshop employer employment unemployed technical cooperation team leaders showroom information desk stress ability vision employee internship confidence.
Places parliament accommodation local library swimming pool cafeteria cottage restaurant bookshop sports center city council canteen cafe dance studio park conversation club kindergarten
Money matters cash debit low-risk investment credit card cheque annual fee monthly membership tuition fees poverty bank statement money management current account interest rate deposit student account withdraw mortgage grace period in advance budget deficit retail voucher coupon، counterfeit money debt interest-free credit purchase partial refund annuity public money taxpayers’ money income non-refundable MasterCard VISA duty-free store distribution costs finance department family finances.
Rating and qualities expensive cheap reasonable satisfactory dangerous poor quality satisfied disappointed efficient luxurious safe strongly recommended colored spotted striped.
Touring souvenir trip tourist guided tour ticket office guest reservation view culture single double-bedded room picnic tourist attraction hostel suite memorable aquarium.
Adjectives energetic social ancient necessary fantastic exciting fabulous dull comfortable convenient suitable affordable voluntary، mandatory compulsory temporary permanent Immense vast salty extinct vulnerable pessimistic optimistic realistic practical knowledgeable flexible confident Western intensive tranquil spectacular intact various
Verbs train develop collect supervise mark edit revise exhibit donate surpass register support hunt persuade concentrate discuss suggest arrange borrow immigrate review learn touch.
Sports jet-skiing bodyboarding snowboarding cricket baseball basketball rugby hang-gliding skydiving soccer American football hockey swimming tennis squash the javelin badminton ping-pong field court pitch stadium team the discus the hammer the high jump horse racing show jumping polo cycling canoeing refreshment gymnasium extreme sports paragliding abseiling athlete gym bungee jumping white-water rafting surfing windsurfing kitesurfing mountain biking push-up judo recreation jogging press-up snooker walking barbell treadmill championship.
Shapes Oval Square rectangular triangular polygon spherical circular curved cylindrical three dimensions Measurement width length altitude imperial system metric system spiral Mass depth breadth height frequency
Weather humid hot sticky breeze chilly cold cool dry dusty freezing hot warm wet weather forecast antenna moisture
Equipment and tools helmet light musical instrument cassette silicon chip digital monitor gadget device screen breaks wheels mechanical pencil disk backpack
The arts and media Opera Orchestra concert symphony the press conductor vocalist audience festival carnival exhibition classical music theatre cinemas art gallery museum ballet television radio graphics newspaper
The animal kingdom lion penguin seabirds poultry and game birds of prey mammals genus species cetacean whale primates rodents reptile insects octopus phylum fish amphibian class order family livestock creature plants mushroom fungus stem roots cluster fertilizer leaves seed core bark trunk twig branch flower.
Vehicles camper double-decker bus single-decker minibus forklift truck school bus coach truck tanker van lorry transporter tow truck breakdown truck pickup jeep taxi cab tram underground subway caravan tractor stream train freight train a goods train
Expressions and time midday three times three times per week millennium a gap year fulltime part-time midnight century decade fortnight.
Materials aluminum copper fur metal steel rubber plastic ceramics cement stone textile cotton fabric wool glass leather bone paper lumber/wood glue concrete wax paper wood silver composite fiberglass gold feather
Colour blue white orange green grey black red yellow purple brown pink
Other sufficient dialogue passport photo state variety private sector practice gender creativity government individual original inhabitant indigenous demonstration circuit guarantee commerce carriage narrative strike entrance chocolate satellite decision prototype attitude activity recipient ultrasound pedestrian safety daily routine personal fulfillment traffic jams procedures creation senior opportunity driving license prize junior process literary man-made republicans waiting list sewer systems liberal democracy democrats umbrella frequently updated lunar calendar libertarian burger videos fund-raising event magnet dialect ramification straight nature conservation life expectancy farewell welfare encyclopedia illiteracy robot proficiency evolution revolution.