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Land Revenue Code
created Mar 15th 2022, 05:42 by 9131107994
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Section 254-256) Madhya Pradesh Land Revenue Code, 1959 119 As the Sub-Divisional Officer may think fit after giving such person an opportunity of being heard, and the Sub-Divisional Officer as the Sub-Divisional Officer may think fit after giving such person an opportunity of being heard. and the Sub-Divisional Officer may also order the confiscation of any timber, forest produce, or any other produce which such person has taken from the lands of the State Government or which he has taken away from there. (2) Where any contravention, breach or compliance punishable under sub-section (1) has been committed by the Gram Sabha. there every officer of the Gram Sabha shall, under that sub-section, be liable to such contravention, breach or compliance, unless he proves it to have occurred without knowledge or that he has committed such contravention, breach or non-compliance. All due diligence was taken. (3) Where the Sub-Divisional Officer makes a pass imposing a penalty under this section, he may direct that the whole or any part of the penalty shall be applied to the extent of such measures as may be caused to the public by reason of such contravention, breach or non-compliance. necessary to prevent loss or damage from occurring, to meet the expenses. 254. Duties of Gram Sabha to be performed by Patel - Any function assigned to the Gram Sabha under this Chapter shall be performed by Patel until the Gram Sabha is duly constituted under section 232 Go Chapter 19 Miscellaneous 255. Prescribing norms for cultivation and management.- (1) With a view to bring the agricultural economy to a higher level of efficiency, the Government may, by rules, regulate the norms of efficient farming and management. (2) Such rules shall contain instructions regarding the adoption of agricultural practices, the use of improved seeds, the conservation and proper use of manure, the sale of surplus food grains and the ensuring of fair wages and terms of employment of agricultural workers and such other Provision may be made for the issue of directions as may be necessary or desirable for the efficient use of the lands. (3) Such rules shall apply to those cultivators who are subject to such limits as may be prescribed. Cultivate more land on your own. (4) If any farmer to whom such rules apply under sub-section (3), does not comply with the directions issued under sub-section (2), the State Government may, in such manner by any other agency, to be performed as it thinks fit and recover from the farmer all such expenses as may be incurred. 256. Inspection and copies of maps and land records - Subject to such conditions and such fees as may be paid under this Code 1. Substituted by the Madhya Pradesh Act No. 19 of 2001.