
Text Practice Mode


created Jan 22nd 2022, 13:53 by SakshiThakur



283 words
32 completed
How  do you move forward when you're gripped by fear? Focus on doing what you can do. What's your best response when you're overwhelmed by events beyond your control? Focus on doing what you can do. Direct your attention and your efforts where they will actually accomplish something. Although whatever you can do may seem small, it is not nothing. Do what you can do, for it is a start, and that start can provide positive momentum. Take the actions you'
re in position to take, make the difference you're able to make. Don’t waste your energy wishing for powers you don't have. Use the significant skills you do have. Do what you can do, and you can work yourself toward being able to do even more. Do what you can do, and step by step you'll get yourself moving ahead. This day is quickly passing. Do something rich and fulfilling with it. This opportunity you have, has no limit. Dare to dream your biggest dreams, right now, for now is when you can live them. Don’t concern yourself with appearing impressive, or with appearing any other way. Give yourself fully to being authentic, for that is where the real richness is. Fall fervently in love with all that is now, and all its value will be yours too. Stand in awe of the possibilities, and be carried along with the very best of them. Fully enjoy the breathtaking wealth of living that this very day is now bringing to you. All the goodness you could ever think to hope for, is ready for you to create. The real richness of life is in you today. Let it lift you ever higher.

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