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Rants of an Air Head Ep.4

created Nov 27th 2021, 12:26 by Gazia



323 words
22 completed
So it's my girl's birthday today and I went to the bling bazaar to get her some really nice ice, you know what they say right? Three month's pay.. Erm wait, shouldn't that be engagement ring? But whatever, so this counter dude was like no man you've mistaken! It's FOUR months pay worth for a girl's birthday. I kinda knew he was being a sleazy ball towards me but I wasn't sure. So I'm like what about FIVE months pay?! That dumbarse didn't even speak, I guess I beat him at his game. He quietly accepted my offer like a good doggy. I probably bought the largest ice they have right there, was pretty proud of maself and was all about it with my bruh and he said, you sure that's real ice bruh? Lemme see that! So he was like poking my huge-arse ice with this red yellow green device and NOTHING. Sorry bruh, this is glass. I'm like you sheeting me?? That is five months of my hard earned greens! Imagine what would my girl do to me to find out it was GLASS in front of her friends. I stomped back to the bazaar and at the heat of the moment threw the fake-arse ice I bought at them. Oh my won't you believe, that place lit up like new year's sky. It exploded like like nothing I've ever seen. So the guy ran out all coughing and sheet and was like, what the haaal are you doin' bruh? Why'd you do that?? I'm like this isn't ICE bruh! You think I'm stupid? And he was like no listen to me you punk! And I was like so you think my bruh here's STUPID?? He told me it's not REAL with his ice sensor! Then he was like LISTEN TO ME! READ THE NAME OF THE SHOP IDIOT! I looked up and I was like.. Mercury Fulminate Seller. Chemistry Fun.

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