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Thesaurus part 2
created Oct 28th 2021, 12:42 by Karim Alaswad
1210 words
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abjure [v] give up abstain from, forswear,
recant, renege, renounce, retract, take back,
ablate [v] wear away erode, evaporate, melt,
ablaze [adj] on fire afire, aflame, alight,
blazing, burning, conflagrant, fiery, flaming,
flaring, ignited, lighted,
ablaze [adj] very excited afire, angry, aroused,
enthusiastic, fervent, frenzied, fuming, furious,
heated, impassioned, incensed, intense, on
fire, passionate, raging, stimulated, vehement;
concept dull, unexcited
ablaze [adj] brightly illuminated aflame,
aglow, brilliant, flashing, gleaming, glowing,
incandescent, luminous, radiant, refulgent,
sparkling; concept dark, dim
able [adj] capable of performing; having an
innate capacity adept, adequate, adroit, agile,
alert, apt, bright, capable, competent, cunning,
deft, dexterous, easy, effortless, endowed,
equipped, facile, fitted, good, intelligent,
knowing, powerful, ready, smart, strong,
worthy, ineffective,
inept, infirm, powerless, unable, useless
able [adj] able to perform well; having a
proven capacity accomplished, adroit, agile,
artful, au fait, brilliant, capable, clever, deft,
dexterous, effective, effectual, efficient, equal
to, experienced, expert, facile, gifted,
ingenious, intelligent, keen, know backwards
and forwards, know one’s onions, know the
ropes, learned, masterful, masterly, powerful,
practiced, prepared, proficient, qualified, re-
sponsible, savvy, sharp, skilled, skillful, smart,
talented, there, trained, up to it, up to snuff ,
up to speed, with it,
delicate, feeble, inept, stupid, weak
able-bodied [adj] physically strong and
capable firm, fit, hale, hardy, healthy, hearty,
lusty, powerful, robust, staunch, stout, strap-
ping, sturdy, vigorous,
delicate, infirm, weak
ablution [n] washing bath, cleansing, deconta-
mination, lavation, purification, shower,
ably [adv] capably adroitly, capably,
competently; concept
abnegate [v] renounce abstain, decline,
forbear, forgo, give up, refrain, reject;
abnegation [n] denial, renouncement of some-
thing abandonment, abstinence, eschewal, for-
bearance, giving up, nixing, refusal, rejection,
relinquishment, renunciation, sacrifice, self-
Kipf_ _ p_c _r .qxp / / : PM Page ABNORMAL / ABOUT
denial, stonewall, surrender, temperance;
concepts, acquiescence,
admittance, surrender, yielding
abnormal [adj] different from standard or norm
aberrant, anomalistic, anomalous, atypical,
bizarre, curious, deviant, deviate, deviating,
divergent, eccentric, exceptional, extraordinary,
fantastic, funny, grody, gross, heteroclite, het-
erodox, heteromorphic, irregular, odd, off-base,
off-color, out of line, peculiar, preternatural,
queer, screwy, spastic, strange, uncommon,
unexpected, unnatural, unorthodox, unusual,
weird; concept customary, normal,
standard, straight, usual
abnormality [n] being different from standard
or norm aberrancy, aberration, anomalism,
anomaly, atypicalness, bizarreness, deformity,
deviance, deviancy, deviation, eccentricity,
exception, extraordinariness, flaw, irregularity,
oddity, peculiarity, preternaturalness, singularity,
strangeness, uncommonness, unnaturalness,
unusualness, weirdness; concept
normality, normalness, sameness, standard
aboard [adj] on or in a transportation object
boarded, consigned, embarked, en route,
in transit, loaded, on, on board, traveling;
concept not on, off
abode [n] building or place where one resides
address, apartment, base, casa, condo, co-op,
crash pad, crib, den, digs, domicile,
dwelling, flat, flop, habitat, haunt, headquar-
ters, hearth, hole, home, homestead, house,
joint, lodging, pad, quarters, residence, roost ,
sanctuary, seat; concept
abolish [v] do away with or put an end to abate,
abrogate, annihilate, annul, call off, cancel,
destroy, disestablish, dissolve, end, eradicate,
erase, expunge, extinguish, extirpate, finish, in-
hibit, invalidate, kill, negate, nix, nullify, oblit-
erate, overthrow, overturn, prohibit, put an end
to, put kibosh on, put the kibosh on, quash,
repeal, repudiate, rescind, revoke, scrub, set
aside, squelch, stamp out, subvert, supersede,
suppress, terminate, undo, vacate, vitiate, void,
wipe out, zap
confirm, continue, enact, establish, institute,
legalize, promote, ratify, support, uphold
abolition [n] formal act of putting an end to,
annulling abolishment, abrogation, annihilation,
annulment, cancellation, destruction, dissolu-
tion, elimination, end, ending, eradication,
extirpation, invalidation, negation, nullification,
obliteration, overthrow, overturning, quashing,
repeal, repudiation, rescinding, rescindment,
rescission, revocation, subversion, suppression,
termination, voiding, wiping out, withdrawal;
concepts confirmation,
establishment, establishment, institution,
legalization, promotion
abolitionist [n] person wanting something
ended activist, advocate, opponent, revolution-
ary; concept
A-bomb [n] atomic bomb nuclear bomb,
nuclear weapon, physics package,
thermonuclear bomb; concept
abominable [adj] awful, detestable abhorrent,
atrocious, awful, bad, base, beastly, con-
temptible, cursed, despicable, disgusting, foul,
grim, grody, gross, hairy, hateful, heinous,
hellish, horrible, horrid, loathsome, lousy, nau-
seating, obnoxious, odious, offensive, repellent,
reprehensible, repugnant, repulsive, revolting,
rotten, sleazy, stinking, terrible, vile,
wretched allur-
ing, appealing, delightful, desirable, enjoyable,
likeable, lovable, pleasant, sweet, wonderful
abominate [v] detest abhor, despise, dislike,
hate, loathe; concept
abomination [n] object of extreme dislike,
hate anathema, aversion, bother, curse, detesta-
tion, evil, horror, nuisance, plague, shame,
torment, beauty,
blessing, delight, enjoyment, esteem, joy,
love, treat
abomination [n] wrongdoing crime, offense,
wrong; concept benefit, right
aboriginal [adj] belonging to one, existing in
a place since prehistory ancient, earliest,
endemic, first, indigenous, native, original,
primary, primeval, primitive, primordial;
concept foreign
aborigine [n] first inhabitant aboriginal,
autochthon, bushman, indigene, native,
primitive; concept
abort [v] stop or cancel something arrest,
break off, call it quits, call off, check, cut off,
drop, end, fail, halt, interrupt, knock it off, lay
off, nullify, scrap, scratch, scrub, terminate;
concept continue, keep
abort [v] terminate or fail to complete
pregnancy miscarry
carry to term, keep
abortion [n] expulsion of fetus aborticide,
feticide, misbirth, miscarriage, termination;
abortion [n] failure disappointment, disaster,
fiasco, misadventure, premature delivery;
concepts continuation,
abortive [adj] failing to achieve a goal failed,
failing, fruitless, futile, ineffective, ineffectual,
miscarried, unavailing, unproductive, unsuc-
cessful, useless, vain, worthless; concept
complete, consummated, effectual,
efficient, fruitful, productive, successful
abound [v] exist in abundance be alive with, be
all over the place, be knee deep in, be no end
to, be plentiful, be thick with, be up to one’s
ears in, crawl with, crowd, flourish, flow,
have a full plate, infest, overflow, proliferate,
swarm, swell, teem, thrive; concept
deficient, fail, lack, need, short, want
abounding [adj] plentiful abundant, bountiful,
copious, filled, flush, plenteous, prodigal, pro-
fuse, prolific, replete, teeming
about [adv] in an opposite direction around,
back, backward, in reverse, round;
about [adv] lying anywhere without order,
arrangement anyhow, any which way, around,
here and there; concept
about [prep] near an amount, quantity almost,
approximately, in general, in the ball park, in
the neighborhood, nearly, practically, pretty
nearly, roughly; concept
about [prep] concerning, relating to apropos,
as concerns, as respects, dealing with, in
Kipf_ _ p_c _r .qxp / / : PM Page ABOUT / ABSENT
connection with, in relation to, in respect to,
referring to, regarding, relative to, touching,
touching on; concept
about [prep] near or close to in position
adjacent, beside, nearby,
afar, away, distant, far, remote
about [prep] on every side, in every direction
around, encircling, round, surrounding,
through, throughout; concept
about-face [n] change in direction change-
about, double, doubleback, reversal, reverse,
turn, turnabout, volte-face; concept
above [prep] higher in position aloft, atop,
beyond, high, on high, on top of, over, over-
head, raised, superior, upon; concept
below, under
above [prep] more, higher in amount, degree
beyond, exceeding, greater than, larger than,
over; concept below, deficient,
fewer, less
above [prep] superior to before, beyond,
exceeding, prior to, superior to, surpassing;
concept inferior, under
aboveboard [adj] candid forthright, frank,
honest, open, overt, right on, square, straight,
straightforward, straight from shoulder, true,
trustworthy, truthful, up front, veracious;
concept deceitful, devious, lying,
shady, underhanded
recant, renege, renounce, retract, take back,
ablate [v] wear away erode, evaporate, melt,
ablaze [adj] on fire afire, aflame, alight,
blazing, burning, conflagrant, fiery, flaming,
flaring, ignited, lighted,
ablaze [adj] very excited afire, angry, aroused,
enthusiastic, fervent, frenzied, fuming, furious,
heated, impassioned, incensed, intense, on
fire, passionate, raging, stimulated, vehement;
concept dull, unexcited
ablaze [adj] brightly illuminated aflame,
aglow, brilliant, flashing, gleaming, glowing,
incandescent, luminous, radiant, refulgent,
sparkling; concept dark, dim
able [adj] capable of performing; having an
innate capacity adept, adequate, adroit, agile,
alert, apt, bright, capable, competent, cunning,
deft, dexterous, easy, effortless, endowed,
equipped, facile, fitted, good, intelligent,
knowing, powerful, ready, smart, strong,
worthy, ineffective,
inept, infirm, powerless, unable, useless
able [adj] able to perform well; having a
proven capacity accomplished, adroit, agile,
artful, au fait, brilliant, capable, clever, deft,
dexterous, effective, effectual, efficient, equal
to, experienced, expert, facile, gifted,
ingenious, intelligent, keen, know backwards
and forwards, know one’s onions, know the
ropes, learned, masterful, masterly, powerful,
practiced, prepared, proficient, qualified, re-
sponsible, savvy, sharp, skilled, skillful, smart,
talented, there, trained, up to it, up to snuff ,
up to speed, with it,
delicate, feeble, inept, stupid, weak
able-bodied [adj] physically strong and
capable firm, fit, hale, hardy, healthy, hearty,
lusty, powerful, robust, staunch, stout, strap-
ping, sturdy, vigorous,
delicate, infirm, weak
ablution [n] washing bath, cleansing, deconta-
mination, lavation, purification, shower,
ably [adv] capably adroitly, capably,
competently; concept
abnegate [v] renounce abstain, decline,
forbear, forgo, give up, refrain, reject;
abnegation [n] denial, renouncement of some-
thing abandonment, abstinence, eschewal, for-
bearance, giving up, nixing, refusal, rejection,
relinquishment, renunciation, sacrifice, self-
Kipf_ _ p_c _r .qxp / / : PM Page ABNORMAL / ABOUT
denial, stonewall, surrender, temperance;
concepts, acquiescence,
admittance, surrender, yielding
abnormal [adj] different from standard or norm
aberrant, anomalistic, anomalous, atypical,
bizarre, curious, deviant, deviate, deviating,
divergent, eccentric, exceptional, extraordinary,
fantastic, funny, grody, gross, heteroclite, het-
erodox, heteromorphic, irregular, odd, off-base,
off-color, out of line, peculiar, preternatural,
queer, screwy, spastic, strange, uncommon,
unexpected, unnatural, unorthodox, unusual,
weird; concept customary, normal,
standard, straight, usual
abnormality [n] being different from standard
or norm aberrancy, aberration, anomalism,
anomaly, atypicalness, bizarreness, deformity,
deviance, deviancy, deviation, eccentricity,
exception, extraordinariness, flaw, irregularity,
oddity, peculiarity, preternaturalness, singularity,
strangeness, uncommonness, unnaturalness,
unusualness, weirdness; concept
normality, normalness, sameness, standard
aboard [adj] on or in a transportation object
boarded, consigned, embarked, en route,
in transit, loaded, on, on board, traveling;
concept not on, off
abode [n] building or place where one resides
address, apartment, base, casa, condo, co-op,
crash pad, crib, den, digs, domicile,
dwelling, flat, flop, habitat, haunt, headquar-
ters, hearth, hole, home, homestead, house,
joint, lodging, pad, quarters, residence, roost ,
sanctuary, seat; concept
abolish [v] do away with or put an end to abate,
abrogate, annihilate, annul, call off, cancel,
destroy, disestablish, dissolve, end, eradicate,
erase, expunge, extinguish, extirpate, finish, in-
hibit, invalidate, kill, negate, nix, nullify, oblit-
erate, overthrow, overturn, prohibit, put an end
to, put kibosh on, put the kibosh on, quash,
repeal, repudiate, rescind, revoke, scrub, set
aside, squelch, stamp out, subvert, supersede,
suppress, terminate, undo, vacate, vitiate, void,
wipe out, zap
confirm, continue, enact, establish, institute,
legalize, promote, ratify, support, uphold
abolition [n] formal act of putting an end to,
annulling abolishment, abrogation, annihilation,
annulment, cancellation, destruction, dissolu-
tion, elimination, end, ending, eradication,
extirpation, invalidation, negation, nullification,
obliteration, overthrow, overturning, quashing,
repeal, repudiation, rescinding, rescindment,
rescission, revocation, subversion, suppression,
termination, voiding, wiping out, withdrawal;
concepts confirmation,
establishment, establishment, institution,
legalization, promotion
abolitionist [n] person wanting something
ended activist, advocate, opponent, revolution-
ary; concept
A-bomb [n] atomic bomb nuclear bomb,
nuclear weapon, physics package,
thermonuclear bomb; concept
abominable [adj] awful, detestable abhorrent,
atrocious, awful, bad, base, beastly, con-
temptible, cursed, despicable, disgusting, foul,
grim, grody, gross, hairy, hateful, heinous,
hellish, horrible, horrid, loathsome, lousy, nau-
seating, obnoxious, odious, offensive, repellent,
reprehensible, repugnant, repulsive, revolting,
rotten, sleazy, stinking, terrible, vile,
wretched allur-
ing, appealing, delightful, desirable, enjoyable,
likeable, lovable, pleasant, sweet, wonderful
abominate [v] detest abhor, despise, dislike,
hate, loathe; concept
abomination [n] object of extreme dislike,
hate anathema, aversion, bother, curse, detesta-
tion, evil, horror, nuisance, plague, shame,
torment, beauty,
blessing, delight, enjoyment, esteem, joy,
love, treat
abomination [n] wrongdoing crime, offense,
wrong; concept benefit, right
aboriginal [adj] belonging to one, existing in
a place since prehistory ancient, earliest,
endemic, first, indigenous, native, original,
primary, primeval, primitive, primordial;
concept foreign
aborigine [n] first inhabitant aboriginal,
autochthon, bushman, indigene, native,
primitive; concept
abort [v] stop or cancel something arrest,
break off, call it quits, call off, check, cut off,
drop, end, fail, halt, interrupt, knock it off, lay
off, nullify, scrap, scratch, scrub, terminate;
concept continue, keep
abort [v] terminate or fail to complete
pregnancy miscarry
carry to term, keep
abortion [n] expulsion of fetus aborticide,
feticide, misbirth, miscarriage, termination;
abortion [n] failure disappointment, disaster,
fiasco, misadventure, premature delivery;
concepts continuation,
abortive [adj] failing to achieve a goal failed,
failing, fruitless, futile, ineffective, ineffectual,
miscarried, unavailing, unproductive, unsuc-
cessful, useless, vain, worthless; concept
complete, consummated, effectual,
efficient, fruitful, productive, successful
abound [v] exist in abundance be alive with, be
all over the place, be knee deep in, be no end
to, be plentiful, be thick with, be up to one’s
ears in, crawl with, crowd, flourish, flow,
have a full plate, infest, overflow, proliferate,
swarm, swell, teem, thrive; concept
deficient, fail, lack, need, short, want
abounding [adj] plentiful abundant, bountiful,
copious, filled, flush, plenteous, prodigal, pro-
fuse, prolific, replete, teeming
about [adv] in an opposite direction around,
back, backward, in reverse, round;
about [adv] lying anywhere without order,
arrangement anyhow, any which way, around,
here and there; concept
about [prep] near an amount, quantity almost,
approximately, in general, in the ball park, in
the neighborhood, nearly, practically, pretty
nearly, roughly; concept
about [prep] concerning, relating to apropos,
as concerns, as respects, dealing with, in
Kipf_ _ p_c _r .qxp / / : PM Page ABOUT / ABSENT
connection with, in relation to, in respect to,
referring to, regarding, relative to, touching,
touching on; concept
about [prep] near or close to in position
adjacent, beside, nearby,
afar, away, distant, far, remote
about [prep] on every side, in every direction
around, encircling, round, surrounding,
through, throughout; concept
about-face [n] change in direction change-
about, double, doubleback, reversal, reverse,
turn, turnabout, volte-face; concept
above [prep] higher in position aloft, atop,
beyond, high, on high, on top of, over, over-
head, raised, superior, upon; concept
below, under
above [prep] more, higher in amount, degree
beyond, exceeding, greater than, larger than,
over; concept below, deficient,
fewer, less
above [prep] superior to before, beyond,
exceeding, prior to, superior to, surpassing;
concept inferior, under
aboveboard [adj] candid forthright, frank,
honest, open, overt, right on, square, straight,
straightforward, straight from shoulder, true,
trustworthy, truthful, up front, veracious;
concept deceitful, devious, lying,
shady, underhanded