Text Practice Mode
Thesaurus part 1
created Oct 28th 2021, 12:41 by Karim Alaswad
1294 words
1 completed
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aback [adv] taken unawares confused, surprised,
thrown off, thrown off guard; concept
abaft [adj] to the rear astern, back, behind,
abandon [n] careless disregard for conse-
quences disregard, freedom, impulse,
licentiousness, recklessness, spontaneity,
thoughtlessness, uninhibitedness, unrestraint,
wantonness, wildness,
restraint, self-restraint
abandon [v] leave behind, relinquish abdicate,
back out, bail out, bow out, chicken out, cop
out, cut loose, desert, discard, discontinue,
ditch, drop, drop out, duck, dump, dust,
flake out, fly the coop, give up the ship, kiss
goodbye, leave, leg it, let go, opt out, pull out,
quit, run out on, screw, ship out, stop, storm
out, surrender, take a powder, take a walk,
throw over, vacate, walk out on, wash hands
of, withdraw, yield; concept
cherish, defend, keep, pursue, retain, support
abandon [v] leave in troubled state back out,
desert, disown, forsake, jilt, leave, leave behind,
quit, reject, renounce, throw over, walk out
on adopt, assert,
favor, uphold
abandoned [adj] left alone, deserted alone,
cast aside, cast away, deserted, discarded,
dissipated, dropped, dumped, eighty-sixed,
eliminated, empty, forgotten, forsaken, given
up, godforsaken, jilted, left, left in the cold,
left in the lurch, neglected, on the rocks, out-
cast, passed up, pigeon-holed, rejected, relin-
quished, shunned, sidelined, side-tracked,
unoccupied, vacant, vacated; concept
adopted, cherished, defended,
maintained, supported
abandoned [adj] free from moral restraint;
uninhibited corrupt, depraved, dissolute, im-
moral, incontinent, incorrigible, licentious,
profligate, shameless, sinful, uncontrolled,
unprincipled, unrestrained, wanton, wicked,
wild; concept chaste, innocent,
moral, pure, restrained, virtuous
abase [v] deprive of self-esteem, confidence
belittle, debase, degrade, demean, diminish,
disgrace, dishonor, humble, humiliate, lower,
mortify, reduce, shame,
cherish, dignify, exalt, extol, honor,
abasement [n] disgrace degradation, dishonor,
downgrade, humiliation, shame; concept
abashed [adj] exhibiting mental discomfort,
ill at ease ashamed, bewildered, bugged,
chagrined, confounded, confused, crushed,
discombobulated, disconcerted, embarrassed,
fazed, fuddled, humbled, humiliated, in a
tizzy, mortified, rattled, shamed, taken aback;
concept at ease, composed,
emboldened, proud, reassured
abate [v] lessen, grow or cause to grow less
allay, chill out, coast, cool, cool it, decline,
decrease, diminish, dull, dwindle, ebb, go with
the flow, hang easy, hang loose, lay back,
let go, let it all hang out, let up, mellow out,
moderate, quell, recede, reduce, slacken, slow,
subdue, subside, take it easy, taper, taper
off, unlax, wane,
amplify, enhance, enlarge, extend, increase,
intensify, magnify, prolong, revive, rise
abbey [n] building that houses monks, nuns,
or priests; church cloister, convent, friary,
ministry, monastery, nunnery, priory, temple;
abbreviate [v] shorten abridge, abstract, boil
down, clip, compress, condense, contract, cut,
cut back, cut down, cut off, cut out, digest, en-
capsulate, get to the meat, pare, prune, put in
a nutshell, reduce, summarize, take out, trim;
concepts, amplify, enlarge,
expand, extend, increase, lengthen
abbreviate [v] cut short an activity abort,
curtail, restrict, stop short, truncate; concept
expand, extend, increase, lengthen
abbreviation [n] something shortened
abridgement, abstract, abstraction, clipping,
compendium, compression, condensation,
contraction, digest, outline, precis, reduction,
sketch, summary, syllabus, synopsis
, augmentation, enlargement,
expansion, extension, increase
abdicate [v] give up a right, position, or power
abandon, abjure, abnegate, bag it, bail out,
cede, demit, drop, forgo, give up, leave, leave
high and dry, leave holding the bag, leave in
the lurch, opt out, quit, quitclaim, relinquish,
renounce, resign, retire, sell out, step down,
surrender, vacate, waive, withdraw, yield;
concepts, assert, assume,
challenge, claim, defend, defy, hold, maintain,
remain, retain, treasure, usurp
abdomen [n] the stomach and area directly
below in an animate being bay window, belly,
bowels, breadbasket, corporation, gut, guts,
intestines, middle, midriff, midsection, paunch,
pot, potbelly, spare tire, tummy, venter,
viscera; concept
abdominal [adj] concerning the stomach and
the area below it belly, duodenal, gastric, intesti-
nal, stomachic, ventral, visceral; concept
abduct [v] take by force and without permission
carry off, dognap, grab, kidnap, make off with,
put the snatch on, remove, seize, shanghai,
snatch, sneeze, spirit away; concept
give up, let go, release
abducted [adj] taken away by force appropri-
ated, kidnapped, seized, snatched, stolen;
abduction [n] taking away by force
appropriation, kidnapping, rape, seizure, theft;
abend [n] abnormal end of task abort, crash,
aberrant [adj] not normal; varying from the
usual abnormal, atypical, bizarre, deviant,
different, flaky, mental, nonstandard, odd,
off-base, off-color, out of line, peculiar,
psycho, strange, unusual, weird; concept
normal, same, true
aberration [n] state of abnormality delusion,
eccentricity, oddity, peculiarity, quirk, strange-
ness, weirdness; concept confor-
mity, normality, regularity, soundness
aberration [n] different from that expected
departure, deviation, difference, distortion,
divergence, diversion, irregularity, lapse,
straying, wandering; concept
conformity, sameness
abet [v] assist, help in wrongdoing advocate,
back, condone, egg on, encourage, endorse,
goad, incite, instigate, prod, promote, provoke,
sanction, spur, support, urge,
counter, deter, discourage, frustrate,
hinder, hurt, impede, obstruct, resist
abettor [n] assistant accessory, accomplice,
co-conspirator, confederate, cooperator, helper,
partner in crime, second, supporter; concept
abeyance [n] being inactive or suspended
temporarily deferral, discontinuation, dormancy,
inactivity, intermission, latency, postponement,
quiescence, recess, remission, suspension, wait-
ing, action, activity,
continuance, continuation, operation, renewal,
abhor [v] regard with contempt or disgust
abominate, be allergic to, be down on,
be grossed out by, despise, detest, hate,
have no use for, loathe, scorn; concept
admire, adore, approve, cherish, desire,
enjoy, like, love, relish
abhorrence [n] disgust detestation, enmity,
hate, hatred, horror, loathing, malice, odium,
repugnance, revulsion,
abhorrent [adj] disgusting despicable,
detestable, execrable, loathsome, offensive,
repulsive, revolting,
abide [v] submit to, put up with accept,
acknowledge, bear, bear with, be big about,
concede, consent, defer, endure, hang in,
hang in there, hang tough, live with, put
up with, receive, sit tight, stand, stand for,
stomach, suffer, swallow, take, tolerate, with-
stand, despise, dispute,
pass, quit, reject, resist, shun
abide [v] live in a certain place bide, bunk,
bunk out, crash, dwell, hang out, inhabit,
lodge, nest, perch, reside, room, roost, settle,
squat, stay; concept depart, go,
leave, migrate, move, reject, resist
abide [v] remain or continue in a state con-
tinue, endure, keep on, last, persevere, persist,
remain, survive,
leave, quit, refuse, stop
abide [v] stop temporarily and wait for antici-
pate, bide, expect, linger, pause, remain, rest,
sojourn, stay, stick around, stop, tarry, wait;
concept, carry on, continue,
go, move
abiding [adj] continuing or existing for an
indefinite time constant, continuing, enduring,
eternal, everlasting, fast, indissoluble, lasting,
permanent, perpetual, persistent, persisting,
steadfast, steady; concept
ephemeral, fleeting, transient
ability [n] power to act, perform aptitude,
capability, capacity, competence, competency,
comprehension, dexterity, endowment, facility,
faculty, intelligence, might, potentiality, qualifi-
cation, resourcefulness, skill, strength, talent,
understanding; concept impotence,
inability, limitation, paralysis
ability [n] natural or acquired power in a
particular activity adeptness, adroitness, bent,
capability, cleverness, command, craft, deftness,
expertise, expertness, finesse, flair, genius,
gift, handiness, ingenuity, knack, know-how,
mastery, mind for, proficiency, savvy, skill,
skillfulness, strength, talent, the goods, the
right stuff, what it takes; concept
clumsiness, ignorance, inability, inadequacy,
inanity, incompetence, stupidity, weakness
abject [adj] hopeless and downtrodden base,
contemptible, degraded, dejected, deplorable,
dishonorable, fawning, forlorn, groveling, hang-
dog, humiliated, low, miserable, outcast, pitiable,
servile, submissive, worthless, wretched;
concept commendable, exalted,
excellent, magnificent, noble, proud, worthy
aback [adv] taken unawares confused, surprised,
thrown off, thrown off guard; concept
abaft [adj] to the rear astern, back, behind,
abandon [n] careless disregard for conse-
quences disregard, freedom, impulse,
licentiousness, recklessness, spontaneity,
thoughtlessness, uninhibitedness, unrestraint,
wantonness, wildness,
restraint, self-restraint
abandon [v] leave behind, relinquish abdicate,
back out, bail out, bow out, chicken out, cop
out, cut loose, desert, discard, discontinue,
ditch, drop, drop out, duck, dump, dust,
flake out, fly the coop, give up the ship, kiss
goodbye, leave, leg it, let go, opt out, pull out,
quit, run out on, screw, ship out, stop, storm
out, surrender, take a powder, take a walk,
throw over, vacate, walk out on, wash hands
of, withdraw, yield; concept
cherish, defend, keep, pursue, retain, support
abandon [v] leave in troubled state back out,
desert, disown, forsake, jilt, leave, leave behind,
quit, reject, renounce, throw over, walk out
on adopt, assert,
favor, uphold
abandoned [adj] left alone, deserted alone,
cast aside, cast away, deserted, discarded,
dissipated, dropped, dumped, eighty-sixed,
eliminated, empty, forgotten, forsaken, given
up, godforsaken, jilted, left, left in the cold,
left in the lurch, neglected, on the rocks, out-
cast, passed up, pigeon-holed, rejected, relin-
quished, shunned, sidelined, side-tracked,
unoccupied, vacant, vacated; concept
adopted, cherished, defended,
maintained, supported
abandoned [adj] free from moral restraint;
uninhibited corrupt, depraved, dissolute, im-
moral, incontinent, incorrigible, licentious,
profligate, shameless, sinful, uncontrolled,
unprincipled, unrestrained, wanton, wicked,
wild; concept chaste, innocent,
moral, pure, restrained, virtuous
abase [v] deprive of self-esteem, confidence
belittle, debase, degrade, demean, diminish,
disgrace, dishonor, humble, humiliate, lower,
mortify, reduce, shame,
cherish, dignify, exalt, extol, honor,
abasement [n] disgrace degradation, dishonor,
downgrade, humiliation, shame; concept
abashed [adj] exhibiting mental discomfort,
ill at ease ashamed, bewildered, bugged,
chagrined, confounded, confused, crushed,
discombobulated, disconcerted, embarrassed,
fazed, fuddled, humbled, humiliated, in a
tizzy, mortified, rattled, shamed, taken aback;
concept at ease, composed,
emboldened, proud, reassured
abate [v] lessen, grow or cause to grow less
allay, chill out, coast, cool, cool it, decline,
decrease, diminish, dull, dwindle, ebb, go with
the flow, hang easy, hang loose, lay back,
let go, let it all hang out, let up, mellow out,
moderate, quell, recede, reduce, slacken, slow,
subdue, subside, take it easy, taper, taper
off, unlax, wane,
amplify, enhance, enlarge, extend, increase,
intensify, magnify, prolong, revive, rise
abbey [n] building that houses monks, nuns,
or priests; church cloister, convent, friary,
ministry, monastery, nunnery, priory, temple;
abbreviate [v] shorten abridge, abstract, boil
down, clip, compress, condense, contract, cut,
cut back, cut down, cut off, cut out, digest, en-
capsulate, get to the meat, pare, prune, put in
a nutshell, reduce, summarize, take out, trim;
concepts, amplify, enlarge,
expand, extend, increase, lengthen
abbreviate [v] cut short an activity abort,
curtail, restrict, stop short, truncate; concept
expand, extend, increase, lengthen
abbreviation [n] something shortened
abridgement, abstract, abstraction, clipping,
compendium, compression, condensation,
contraction, digest, outline, precis, reduction,
sketch, summary, syllabus, synopsis
, augmentation, enlargement,
expansion, extension, increase
abdicate [v] give up a right, position, or power
abandon, abjure, abnegate, bag it, bail out,
cede, demit, drop, forgo, give up, leave, leave
high and dry, leave holding the bag, leave in
the lurch, opt out, quit, quitclaim, relinquish,
renounce, resign, retire, sell out, step down,
surrender, vacate, waive, withdraw, yield;
concepts, assert, assume,
challenge, claim, defend, defy, hold, maintain,
remain, retain, treasure, usurp
abdomen [n] the stomach and area directly
below in an animate being bay window, belly,
bowels, breadbasket, corporation, gut, guts,
intestines, middle, midriff, midsection, paunch,
pot, potbelly, spare tire, tummy, venter,
viscera; concept
abdominal [adj] concerning the stomach and
the area below it belly, duodenal, gastric, intesti-
nal, stomachic, ventral, visceral; concept
abduct [v] take by force and without permission
carry off, dognap, grab, kidnap, make off with,
put the snatch on, remove, seize, shanghai,
snatch, sneeze, spirit away; concept
give up, let go, release
abducted [adj] taken away by force appropri-
ated, kidnapped, seized, snatched, stolen;
abduction [n] taking away by force
appropriation, kidnapping, rape, seizure, theft;
abend [n] abnormal end of task abort, crash,
aberrant [adj] not normal; varying from the
usual abnormal, atypical, bizarre, deviant,
different, flaky, mental, nonstandard, odd,
off-base, off-color, out of line, peculiar,
psycho, strange, unusual, weird; concept
normal, same, true
aberration [n] state of abnormality delusion,
eccentricity, oddity, peculiarity, quirk, strange-
ness, weirdness; concept confor-
mity, normality, regularity, soundness
aberration [n] different from that expected
departure, deviation, difference, distortion,
divergence, diversion, irregularity, lapse,
straying, wandering; concept
conformity, sameness
abet [v] assist, help in wrongdoing advocate,
back, condone, egg on, encourage, endorse,
goad, incite, instigate, prod, promote, provoke,
sanction, spur, support, urge,
counter, deter, discourage, frustrate,
hinder, hurt, impede, obstruct, resist
abettor [n] assistant accessory, accomplice,
co-conspirator, confederate, cooperator, helper,
partner in crime, second, supporter; concept
abeyance [n] being inactive or suspended
temporarily deferral, discontinuation, dormancy,
inactivity, intermission, latency, postponement,
quiescence, recess, remission, suspension, wait-
ing, action, activity,
continuance, continuation, operation, renewal,
abhor [v] regard with contempt or disgust
abominate, be allergic to, be down on,
be grossed out by, despise, detest, hate,
have no use for, loathe, scorn; concept
admire, adore, approve, cherish, desire,
enjoy, like, love, relish
abhorrence [n] disgust detestation, enmity,
hate, hatred, horror, loathing, malice, odium,
repugnance, revulsion,
abhorrent [adj] disgusting despicable,
detestable, execrable, loathsome, offensive,
repulsive, revolting,
abide [v] submit to, put up with accept,
acknowledge, bear, bear with, be big about,
concede, consent, defer, endure, hang in,
hang in there, hang tough, live with, put
up with, receive, sit tight, stand, stand for,
stomach, suffer, swallow, take, tolerate, with-
stand, despise, dispute,
pass, quit, reject, resist, shun
abide [v] live in a certain place bide, bunk,
bunk out, crash, dwell, hang out, inhabit,
lodge, nest, perch, reside, room, roost, settle,
squat, stay; concept depart, go,
leave, migrate, move, reject, resist
abide [v] remain or continue in a state con-
tinue, endure, keep on, last, persevere, persist,
remain, survive,
leave, quit, refuse, stop
abide [v] stop temporarily and wait for antici-
pate, bide, expect, linger, pause, remain, rest,
sojourn, stay, stick around, stop, tarry, wait;
concept, carry on, continue,
go, move
abiding [adj] continuing or existing for an
indefinite time constant, continuing, enduring,
eternal, everlasting, fast, indissoluble, lasting,
permanent, perpetual, persistent, persisting,
steadfast, steady; concept
ephemeral, fleeting, transient
ability [n] power to act, perform aptitude,
capability, capacity, competence, competency,
comprehension, dexterity, endowment, facility,
faculty, intelligence, might, potentiality, qualifi-
cation, resourcefulness, skill, strength, talent,
understanding; concept impotence,
inability, limitation, paralysis
ability [n] natural or acquired power in a
particular activity adeptness, adroitness, bent,
capability, cleverness, command, craft, deftness,
expertise, expertness, finesse, flair, genius,
gift, handiness, ingenuity, knack, know-how,
mastery, mind for, proficiency, savvy, skill,
skillfulness, strength, talent, the goods, the
right stuff, what it takes; concept
clumsiness, ignorance, inability, inadequacy,
inanity, incompetence, stupidity, weakness
abject [adj] hopeless and downtrodden base,
contemptible, degraded, dejected, deplorable,
dishonorable, fawning, forlorn, groveling, hang-
dog, humiliated, low, miserable, outcast, pitiable,
servile, submissive, worthless, wretched;
concept commendable, exalted,
excellent, magnificent, noble, proud, worthy