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¿¿Who am I, What do I want that I don't know??
created Aug 4th 2021, 10:09 by nood
78 words
25 completed
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I am a person who loves myself.
I am someone that some people hate me, like my closest friends.
I am someone that some people love me, like my family.
I am someone that has feelings and feels bad when my closest friends reject me over the FACE.
I am someone that wants a life were everyone love me, not just my family but friends too.
I am someone that want's YOU to be my online friend...
I am someone that some people hate me, like my closest friends.
I am someone that some people love me, like my family.
I am someone that has feelings and feels bad when my closest friends reject me over the FACE.
I am someone that wants a life were everyone love me, not just my family but friends too.
I am someone that want's YOU to be my online friend...